Has Paola Rojas Zague forgiven after infidelity The journalist gives

Has Paola Rojas Zague forgiven after infidelity? The journalist gives new details: “I was madr…”

More than four years after Zague’s infidelity to journalist Paola Rojas came to light, new details of the couple’s relationship are now emerging when it came to pardon and how is the relationship between the two.

What did Paola Rojas say about Zague?

On the Netas Divinas show, Paola Rojas was encouraged to share details of her life with the TV Azteca analyst, but this time away from the bitterness she felt at one point because of the infidelity she had suffered.

Back then I thought mothersbut that process is over, I’ve already healed, I’ve already forgiven myself, I’ve forgiven him”.

The words of Rojas fThey were celebrated by their companions on the showsince they both have two children to care for, it was important to build a relationship.

“We’re in a different moment, I have affection for him, thank you.”

Children, a pillar in the relationship

Without going into details of the process that led to them establishing healthy contact, Rojas previously admitted as much It was his concern to create an ideal environment for the development of his children.without missing any of the characters.

“Luckily I have good communication and a good relationship with the father of my childrenWe have affection for each other, we respect each other and we share a very beautiful responsibility, at least for me the most important one, which is raising children.”