Has Ukraine accused of Nazism promised in its constitution to

Has Ukraine, accused of Nazism, promised in its constitution to preserve its people’s “genetic heritage”?

Veterans of the Azov Battalion in Kyiv on March 14, 2020. Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP

THE EXAMINATION PROCESS – “Unheard of since Nazi Germany,” said the President of the Republican People’s Union, François Asselineau, who denounced a “principle of racial purity.”

Is Ukraine “Nazified” to the core, as Vladimir Putin has wanted us to believe since the beginning of the war in Ukraine? Of course, when the young Ukrainian nation is lugging around a complex history, and it is established that ultra-nationalism, even neo-Nazism, is more visible and democratized than elsewhere in Europe, the narrative of the country’s “denazification” is a pretext that allows Lord of the Kremlin, to justify his war.

“The Ukrainian constitution obliges to preserve the genetic heritage of the Ukrainian people,” said François Asselineau, leader of the small Republican People’s Union (UPR) party, reviving the debate. The compulsive tweeter, who did not run in the last presidential election, claimed on the social network that “even the South African apartheid regime did not dare to constitute this principle of racial purity,” which would be a first “since Nazi Germany.”

As the man points out…

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