1698894662 Havana Grandstand Havana Grandstand

Havana Grandstand Havana Grandstand

On the 65th anniversary of the assassination of the young revolutionary Manolito Aguiar, Marianao paid tribute to him at the Urban Pre-University Institute (IPU), which bears his name.

In the presence of the first secretary of the party of the municipality, Ernesto Zayas Hernández, other authorities of the territory and former students of the institute, members of the group of young revolutionaries of this center, at the event New members were presented with party and Young Communist League (UJC) cards.

Havana Grandstand Havana Grandstand
Photo: Raquel Sierra

People remembered his career, the education he received at home, and how his desire for justice led him to join the revolutionary struggle from an early age.

Manuel Aguiar García was an exemplary young man, which was seen as a threat to the power of tyranny. “He was only 18 years old when he was murdered on a day like today, exactly 65 years ago, in 1958,” recalls Zayas Hernández.

Angélica Fuentes Suárez, president of the Federation of Secondary Education Students (FEEM) at IPU, remembered the young man Manolito: “He was, like so many others, a victim of Batista’s tyranny. His short existence made him available to their ideals of independence.

At the institute, the young woman emphasized, Manolito’s reputation as a serious, disciplined student, his human relationships, his great relationships with all his colleagues and his position in the face of the dictatorship made him the recipient of various positions until his election to the student presidency.

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Photo: Raquel Sierra

“As a tribute to the youthful hero who, undoubtedly, was always aware of the magnitude of the dangers he faced and who gave his life with great selflessness, the Institute of Secondary Education, which has now become the Marianao School, bears his name Names,” he said.

“It is with honor that the students of this center uphold his revolutionary principles and his commitment to studies,” he noted, adding that the student group of the Manolito Aguiar Urban Pre-University Institute, on behalf of the community’s FEEM, “we continue his legacy and are ready to face the adversities of this time. We reaffirm the belief that to live is to die for the country, and we maintain the continuity of our socialist social process.”

In his statements, the student leader noted the pride and commitment that embodies studying in the center that bears the name of the young martyr.

1698894651 657 Havana Grandstand Havana Grandstand
Photo: Raquel Sierra

They then made a pilgrimage to the places where Manolito Aguiar was murdered in 100 and 51. There, at the foot of the plaque commemorating his memory, it was noted that the historical site was visited again, as every year, by the revolutionaries of Marianao, to pay tribute to the unforgettable fighter of the secret struggle, who became a glorious martyr of the fatherland.

At the same time, it denounced and rejected Israel’s criminal massacre against the Palestinian people, which has claimed more than 8,500 lives, including 3,000 children and thousands injured, and reaffirmed its unconditional support for the Palestinian and Syrian people. The latter also became a victim of the Yankee government.

Raúl Lemout Aceo, one of Manolito Aguiar’s comrades-in-armsHe thought it was important to remember this, “even more so at this time, given the siege of imperialism. It is very important to highlight the figure of a young man, almost a teenager, who was a role model for the youth.”

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