Havana has delivered an exemplary performance in terms of religious

Havana has delivered an “exemplary performance” in terms of religious freedom, defends Bruno Rodríguez

After USA published that the Cuban regime remains on its blacklist Although Havana tolerates or participates in serious violations of religious freedom, Bruno Rodríguez assured that Havana has demonstrated an “exemplary performance” in this matter.

In response to Washington's criticism, the Cuban Foreign Minister assured…

He added that The US decision “responds to the need to justify its inhumane siege and economic warfare measures.” against the Cuban people.”

The Deputy Foreign Minister, Carlos Fernández de Cossiowent further in Your own profile. There he wrote: “With usual hypocrisy, the US government, whose hands are stained with blood for its racist and criminal complicity in Israel's genocide against the Palestinians, accuses Cuba of violating religious freedom.”

The official added labels to his publication calling for an end to attacks on the Gaza Strip, a theme that island regime officials have insisted on in recent months without condemning the Hamas group's terrorist attacks against civilians in Israel.

In the forum of the publication of Fernández de Cossío, Johana TabladaDeputy Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, commented: “As with all 'thematic' reports, the reality is very different from what the United States government tells.” For this reason, they ignore the fact that there are more than 100 religious communities registered in Cuba. “The purpose of the listing has nothing to do with religious freedom.”

The island's regime is on Washington's blacklist along with those of Nicaragua, Russia, China, Burma, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

This is what Washington said in his statement Governments on the list “must end abuses such as attacks against members of religious minorities.” and their places of worship, communal violence and long prison sentences for peaceful expression.

In May 2023, the report on international religious freedom The report presented by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken regretted this in Cuba, even though the constitution contains provisions protecting religious freedom and prohibit discrimination on religious grounds, Criminal and administrative laws contradict these questions.

Although the constitution declares the country to be a secular state and establishes the separation between religious institutions and the state, The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) regulates religious practice through its Office of Religious Affairs (ORA) and the Ministry of Justice (MOJ). Some religious groups have been in limbo for years, awaiting official decisions.

The Criminal Code makes it a criminal offense to belong to or associate with an unregistered group. In addition, an amendment to an existing law increases the minimum sentence for individuals who oppose military service or public education on grounds of conscience, including religious beliefs.

Another additional law, in force since December 2022, imposes prison sentences of up to ten years for persons who receive funds from foreign organizations or finance activities considered to be against the state or its constitutional order. This law may impact independent civil society, including religious groups.

The Cuban regime is putting increasing pressure on its critics, including religious leaders, to go into exile and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has cited examples of this situation in its report, such as Pastor Jesús Fundora Pérez of the Apostolic Movement and Pastor Alain Toledano Valiente, who was sent into exile along with his family.

In September, The government refused to extend the residence permit of the Jesuit superior in Cuba, Father David Pantaleóna citizen of the Dominican Republic for criticizing human rights violations.

Prisoners of conscience Loreto Hernández García and Donaida Pérez Paseiro, activists and leaders of the Yoruba religion, are currently serving prison sentences. Both were detained for their participation in the protests on July 11, 2021 in Placetas, Villa Clara. Amnesty International and the United States government itself have repeatedly called for his release.

Cuban father Alberto ReyesPriest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey, has denounced that church members who expose injustices in the country are being summoned and threatened by the Cuban regime

Last October, Cuban state security prevented the awards ceremony that the Patmos Institute presents every year. At the same time that the religious organization wanted to hold the event in the La Palma district of Havana, the host, the Protestant priest Luis Maldonado, one of those responsible for the ceremony, was summoned by the political police.