Have a party scandals Treason Ask for forgiveness Depreciation of

Have a party. scandals. Treason. Ask for forgiveness. Depreciation of BRL 700 million. Neymar treats his life like a ‘Mexican soap opera’

Neymar treats his life like an endless Mexican soap opera. At least ten years of exposure Reproduction/Twitter

Sao Paulo, Brazil

The CBF leadership wanted Neymar to support Carlo Ancelotti.

The public endorsement of the main Brazilian player would be important for CBF president Ednaldo Rodrigues.

This is even more true after the national team was beaten against Senegal.

But there was the withdrawal of the being.

Because there is a consensus that Neymar’s personal moment is more than problematic.

The public exposure of the pregnant friend’s betrayal.

The uncertainty of whether or not to continue his career at PSG.

The player’s restless vacation with constant travel.

And even today’s charity auction at elite club Monte Líbano was aimed at the players’ institute.

Everything matched.

And certainty came that Neymar’s support for Ancelotti could wait.

The timing is bad.

And it wouldn’t have the positive impact Rodrigues dreamed of.

Neymar fell into another astral hell.

With the right to public life exposed like never before.

Messi’s failure at PSG hit hard. He was the one who insisted on hiring reproduction/twitter

At the age of 31, he found himself at an impasse when confronted with evidence he had cheated on his girlfriend, Bruna Biancardi. Influencer Fernanda Campos admits to “staying” with the player on the eve of Valentine’s Day, June 11.

Fernanda published prints about the two meeting.

Without being able to deny it, Neymar decided to accept the betrayal of pregnant Bruna Biancardi.


“I’m doing this for you two or two and for your family. Justifies the unjustified. I didn’t have to. But I need you in OUR life. I saw how exposed you were, how much you suffered through all of this and how.” You want very much to be by my side. And I by your side I have made a mistake. I made a mistake with you I dare say I make mistakes every day, on and off the pitch. But my mistakes are my personal What life do I choose at home, in the intimacy with my family and friends?

“All of this touched one of the most extraordinary people in my life. The woman I wanted to follow by my side, the mother of my child. It affected her family, which is my family today. It affected their intimacy at a moment like this.” Motherhood is special.

Neymar is the one who provided “material” about romance and betrayal. Everything in your social networks reproduction/twitter

“Bru, I’ve already asked you to forgive my mistakes for the needless embarrassment, but I feel compelled to come out publicly and reiterate that. When a private matter has become public, the apology must be public.”

“I can’t imagine myself without you. I don’t know if we will work, but TODAY you are the certainty that I want to try. Our purpose will win, our love for our baby will win, our love because each other will make us stronger. ALWAYS US. ..”

The more than 208 million followers on Instagram had access to the confession.

The impact, as could not be otherwise given Neymar’s media power, was global. With supportive reactions, but also a lot of criticism for disrespecting his pregnant girlfriend.

Private situation that once again affects the image of the main player of the Brazilian national team.

Neymar wasn’t happy with his life being revealed in the series. His desire to show himself is his reproduction/twitter

He’s already going through a bad moment in his career.

Underrated as always.

His attempt to reshape the duo that was exceptional at Barcelona fell through as he was the main catalyst behind Messi’s departure to PSG. The Argentine eventually left the fancursed French club amid Champions League failures.

Messi decided to “take the early break”, as the Spanish press ridicules it, and chose American football.

Neymar, who remains the most expensive player in football history and was bought by PSG for R$1.1 billion, is grossly undervalued in the market.

Vale, according to the website specialized in transactions transfermarkt, 70 million euros, about R$ 366 million. That is R$ 734 million less.

Champions League failures since 2017, sex scandals, constant binge drinking, poker nights, desperate attempts to return to Barcelona, ​​three operations on his right foot. Frustrations with the Brazilian national team at World Cups.

All of this has added to the current disbelief in Neymar.

Manchester City, Bayern, Manchester United and even Barcelona have all turned their backs on the Brazilian.

At PSG he became Mbappé’s sideline.

The Paris club’s organized supporters and the French press lost their admiration for the Brazilian’s talent.

Neymar is calm as he has a contract with PSG until June 2027.

He receives around R$ 25 million a month from the club.

And another R$32 million in endorsement deals.

That’s about R$57 million every 30 days.

According to gossip columnists, he only betrayed his pregnant girlfriend yesterday because he will attend the charity auction today.

And there is no way around interviewing journalists who will be in Mount Lebanon.

Neymar’s charity auction will be broadcast on TV Cazé. Nothing from the player is discrete reproduction/twitter

This atmosphere of a “Mexican soap opera” was created by Neymar himself.

This damages your image even more.

By the way, the most important “gift” of today’s auction is the player himself.

Whoever pays the most gets the right to play a game of poker with Neymar.

In addition to access to the Paris Saint Germain box during the club game, followed by a dinner with the player in Paris.

There will be other “interesting” articles.

A tennis match at Ronaldo’s house “Fenômeno”

The comedian Gkay two VIP tickets for Farofa da Gkay

Influencer Carlinhos Maia offers a day with him and his entire Turma da Vila, including Café da Madalena

Barbecue for 40 friends with the grillman Netão, including pocket show by César Menotti and Fabiano.

The auction will be broadcast on the Internet via the channel of the influencer Cazé.

The social columnists’ big doubts are whether the pregnant girlfriend will stand next to Neymar after the apology for the betrayal.

An embarrassing situation that brings to life Brazil’s greatest hope for the 2026 World Cup.

That nobody is responsible.

Except himself.

Neymar: expectation at three World Cups. Three failures of the Brazilian national team Reproduction/Twitter

For all the good he has achieved with his talent and charisma, with titles, awards and billionaire fortune.

And everything that is bad for life is laid bare without limit.

A Mexican telenovela nobody paid to watch.

But there’s no way not to watch…