Haven 5 Questions About This Private Space Station SpaceX Will

Haven: 5 Questions About This Private Space Station SpaceX Will Participate In –

In 2025, a private space station project is scheduled to see the light of day. SpaceX must participate in its implementation. His name: Haven. There may be more stations of this type in the future.

If all eyes are on the moon, because that’s where the orbital station that will provide access to the satellite’s surface will be stationed, other projects are emerging that are much closer to earth. Such is the case of Haven. This is the name of a future earth orbital station managed by a private company. SpaceX will actively participate in the implementation.

What is Haven?

Haven, which translates to “havre” in French, is the name of a future space station around Earth. It will even be called Haven-1, suggesting that other orbital structures may emerge soon: Haven-2, Haven-3, etc. It will be a station that we can supply with a cargo ship and also serve with a manned vehicle.

The aim is, of course, that this station remains accessible and habitable in the long term. First, Haven-1 must have space for up to four astronauts. Then, as other Haven modules are linked together, the station will grow and be able to accommodate more and more people. A few dozen people are envisaged beyond 2030.

The crew of the first manned mission called Vast-1 will consist of four people. SpaceX will take care of the transport to Haven with a dragon ship. This vehicle is used to transport personnel between Earth and the ISS and bring them back. It is also SpaceX that needs to send the first module from Haven station.

Where will this station be located?

Haven-1 must be positioned in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This formula describes the environment in the immediate vicinity of the earth, up to an altitude of 2,000 km. This is where the other stations were placed: the International Space Station (ISS), Mir, Skylab, Salyut and Tiangong.

In fact, these stations have evolved, or are evolving, at a fairly low altitude: about 400 km above the Earth. A height that was not chosen by chance: it represents a good compromise between an atmosphere that is too dense when you stand too low and a stronger radiation when you stand higher.

Source: vastArtist’s rendering of a dragon ship approaching Haven. // source: vast

How long can we stay in Haven?

The company’s plans include the ability to remain aboard the station for about thirty days while the dragon ship is still docked. The period is much shorter than that of the ISS (on average, stays last six months), but it is much larger, equipped and organized. In addition, the teams deployed on site are trained and professional.

When is Haven Station scheduled to start?

The tentative calendar calls for a launch that will not occur until August 2025. It is a Falcon 9 rocket that will be responsible for launching the station’s first module. The next shots should be taken over by the Starship missile. This conversion to the new SpaceX rocket would take place from 2028, according to the planned schedule.

Artificial Gravity?

In the long term, the station must be able to generate artificial gravity. This goal must be reached in the 2030s when at least 7 modules with a total length of 100 meters will be connected. It should then turn on by itself. We see an application of this technique in the film Interstellar, allowing the protagonists to walk “on the ground”.

This rotation creates a centrifugal force that causes the objects to be pushed outwards, causing individuals to be “thumped” to the ground – measured against the rotation speed moderately. Haven-1 will be the cornerstone for the implementation of this path in a commercial space station. In the long term, the idea must be transferred to future Haven stations.

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