He adopted a stray dog ​​and together they traveled 15 countries on a motorcycle

When the lease for a hostel in Búzios (RJ) ended in 2015, the now 50yearold professor and tourismologist Jonas Fernandes Ramos wasn’t sure what he would do in the years to come. Standstill was not planned.

Having only one motorcycle and a dog he had adopted four years earlier, he decided to put an old idea into practice: touring Latin America on two wheels.

Fernando says that Térix, who has no specific breed, was abandoned near the hostel he ran in 2011 and since he never had a dog, he decided to adopt him.

“I was having dinner at a pizzeria when a puppy appeared and stared at me. I gave him a slice of pizza and we’ve been together ever since. His name was a nod to the place we met, the pizzeria called Asterix and, that’s why I called him Térix,” he says.

When he decided to venture onto the roads of Latin America, Jonas had no doubts that he had to adapt the bike so that his fourlegged companion could travel safely and even with some comfort.

The motorcycle trunk has been adapted for Térix to travel. Image: Personal archive

I cut and customized a motorcycle trunk for Térix so it can travel safely and comfortably. He was already used to riding the bike frame with me, so his adjustment to the bike was easy.”

This was the start of the “Térix around the World” project, which started in September 2015 and has already covered 15 countries and around 130,000 kilometers. Over the past seven years, the duo has toured cities in Brazil, Suriname, French Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina.

“We traveled at our leisure, covering about 300 kilometers a day. Because of the pandemic, we stayed in Chile for two years, which was the longest time we spent in a single place,” Jonas recalls.

Special care for the Terix

Hourly breaks are taken to allow the animal to rest and eat. Image: Personal archive

Térix is ​​12 years old and is considered an older dog. Jonas, who has been traveling with the animal for eight years, says that he takes care of the animal in a variety of ways, such as providing a balanced diet, stopping every hour and, of course, only staying in inns that accept animals.

“Travelling with him is super easy. I drive at an average speed of 7080 km/h and we stop every hour so he can drink water, do his errands and eat. Also, Térix wears goggles because of the wind.” Details Jonas.

Térix’s health is not neglected either. The tourism expert claims that the small animal regularly goes through consultations with veterinarians in the cities where it is staying.

Pleasures and perrengues of the road

As a nature lover, Jonas says the duo’s favorite destinations are natural beauties such as Lençóis Maranhenses in northeastern Brazil and the Patagonia region of Argentina.

The Amazon region is beautiful. We climbed Mount Roraima (on the triborder border between Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana) which is amazing. But there is no doubt that Argentine and Chilean Patagonia have unique landscapes with snowcapped volcanoes, waterfalls and lakes.”

Jonas has a passion for natural destinations and shares new adventures with Térix. Image: Reproduction on Instagram

However, street life is also full of perrengues. Jonas says the worst of it was when he and Térix had an accident on December 31, 2021 while the duo was in Ushuaia, Argentina, preparing to fly back to Brazil.

“A motorcycle hit our motorcycle and in the accident we fell. Térix wasn’t hurt and the bike wasn’t damaged either, but I broke my knee and had to fly to Buenos Aires where I was hospitalized and operated on. Two months of recovery.”, Jonas recalls.

During his hospital stay, the tourismologist took care of Térix with the help of a friend. After he recovered, Jonah and the animal returned to Ushuaia where the motorcycle had been and continued the return journey.

Advertising pays off for the journey

Térix photographs businesses in exchange for food and shelter. Image: Personal archive

Térix attracts attention everywhere, the animal’s charm earns the duo sponsorships and extra money for the trip. Besides countless friendships.

Traveling with a dog draws people’s attention, and riding a motorcycle draws even more attention. People are always asked to take a picture with him and we’ve made a lot of friends through it too.”

Note that it also brings financial returns to the duo. Accommodation and meals are in most places where it passes thanks to the animal, which in exchange for exchange offers to publicize the adventure on its pages on social networks and on its own portal.

Térix discovers destinations in Brazil and abroad with his tutor. Image: Reproduction Instagram

“We left with no funds, the entire journey was funded by exchanges, supporters, sponsorships and the sale of Térix stickers. He is very photogenic and has already taken photos for local organizations which helps us with expenses. Over the years we have “We had more than a thousand supporters in the 15 countries we visited,” says Jonas.

The duo have been touring tourist spots in Brazil for the past year and are preparing for a tour of Europe, which is set to begin later this year.