He dies in a swimming pool swept away by an

He dies in a swimming pool, swept away by an abyss

One man died and another was injured when a huge hole formed in the bottom of an underground swimming pool in a village in Israel on Wednesday.

When the serious incident happened, a celebratory event was taking place, organized by a private company that rented the premises.

Video of the drama shows the sinkhole dragging swimmers to the bottom of the water, with several attempting to climb out.

The body of the victim, a man in his 30s, was found several hours later, Fox News reports.

According to the police who intervened at the scene, the lifeguard watching the swimmers told them that around 2 p.m. an eddy had formed in the water.

The lifeguard yelled at the bathers to get out, but they refused to comply.

Some swimmers would have thought it was a game and they weren’t concerned.

“Seconds later the ground collapsed, I saw what looked like a huge sinkhole,” said rescuer Aviv Bublil.

Another adult male who escaped from the sinkhole was treated by medical personnel. He suffered minor head and limb injuries and was discharged from the hospital.