1651275292 He Keeps Threatening Putins Bad Game With World War Fear

He Keeps Threatening Putin’s Bad Game With World War Fear

He Keeps Threatening Putin’s Bad Game With Fear Of World War

How far will the Kremlin dictator really go? That’s what the experts say

He Keeps Threatening: Putin's Bad Game With World War Fear

Photo: AFP

Article by: Peter Tiede published on April 29, 2022 – 8:30 pm

May 9 has become a holy day for Russians under Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin!

It is the day of the victory of the Soviet Union and the Western Allies over Nazi Germany. Putin has sworn the people and the army to this date. Kremlin propaganda created a victorious cult of the chosen Russian people who single-handedly won the war against Germany.

Even the rustiest Russian Lada in the Siberian Kaffer taiga is emblazoned with the WWII sticker: “To Berlin.”

Military parades with heavy military equipment on Red Square, which were actually abolished at the end of the Soviet Union, were reintroduced by Putin – and moved from May 1, Labor Day, to May 9.

But this year of all years, Putin has a showy parade problem: he has no victory to show for it! As a result, there is growing concern in the West that he might take drastic measures. Read with BILDplus what experts fear and expect.

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