1694540920 He saved three people from drowning near the island of

He saved three people from drowning near the island of Orléans: Théo, the hero honored in the National Assembly

The 12-year-old boy who saved a father and his two children from drowning near the Île d’Orléans last month will be awarded a medal in the National Assembly.

• Also read: The Quebec Life Saving Society would like to honor Théo

• Also read: A true hero at just 12 years old: he saves a father and his children from drowning

“He was really proud and happy. Every time we receive a call like this, we are surprised that it is of such magnitude,” says Cindy Langlois, Théo Ferland’s mother.

After reading the story about the little boy’s heroism in Le Journal, Kariane Bourassa, MP for Charlevoix-Côte-de-Beaupré, said she was touched by his courage and wanted to organize a medal ceremony.

“It was natural to honor the young man. “It’s just remarkable to show so much initiative, courage and altruism at such a young age,” she said.

A day in the meeting

On September 27th, Théo and his family will spend part of the day at the National Assembly to receive the “MP Medal” from Ms. Bourassa. This is his first award of such a medal since taking office in October 2022.

The father of the family, Jean-Pierre Boily, and his two children, Alice (8 years old) and Émile (11 years old), who were rescued from drowning in the Saint Lawrence River, will also be present to honor the boy’s gesture.

Theo Ferland, Emile and Jean-Pierre Boily_Jean-Pierre Boily and his two children Emile, 11 years old and Alice 8 years old, rescued from drowning by Theo Ferland, 12 years old, Wednesday in the St. Lawrence River, near des Ile Bridge d Orleans, 516 Route des Pretres, Saint-Pierre, Ile d'Orleans, Quebec, August 17, 2023, Photo PASCAL HUOT / AGENCE QMI

Jean-Pierre Boily and his two children Emile, 11 years old, and Alice, 8 years old, were saved from drowning in mid-August by little Théo, 12 years old, in the Saint-Laurent river, near the bridge of Île -d’Orléans. Photo Pascal Huot, QMI agency

Roll out the red carpet for Théo

“I’m very pleased that we’re rolling out the red carpet for Théo. I am so proud that he has received these honors. I will be forever grateful to him,” says Mr Boily.

On August 16, the father took the children by boat near the village of Saint-Pierre so that the children could have fun on the “sand banks” at low tide.

But despite being a local regular, Mr Boily arrived “an hour early”, he admits, when the tide was not yet at its lowest.

Theo Ferland, Emile and Jean-Pierre Boily_Jean-Pierre Boily and his two children Emile, 11 years old and Alice 8 years old, rescued from drowning by Theo Ferland, 12 years old, Wednesday in the St. Lawrence River, near des Ile Bridge d Orleans, 516 Route des Pretres, Saint-Pierre, Ile d'Orleans, Quebec, August 17, 2023, Photo PASCAL HUOT / AGENCE QMI

Little Théo Ferland received a “certificate of rescue” from Raynald Hawkins, general manager of the Société de Sauvetage du Québec, during a gala evening in Montreal on September 9th. Photo provided by Théo Ferland’s family

Little Alice lost her footing within a few seconds and was unable to return to shore due to the current. His brother and then his father tried to help him, but again got carried away.

Swim against the current

Only Théo, who was closest to the boat, was able to save them. At the age of 12, he managed to swim against the current, board the boat and lead it to the father and his children, who were panicked and out of breath.

In an interview, the young man mentioned that the thought of his father, who died earlier this year, gave him the strength to swim to the boat “with all his might.”

Honored by the Life Saving Society

Since his courageous act, young Théo has received numerous praises.

Last Saturday he was also honored by the Société de Sauvetage du Québec, which awarded him a “Rescue Citation” at a gala.

A “very touching” moment, says his mother. “Theo was emotional. He told me, ‘Dad would have loved to be here,'” she said.

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