He tries to open the plane door I feel pressure

He tries to open the plane door: “I feel pressure on my chest.” Stopped with a lasso like in western films

Panic on the plane in between Philippines and the South Korea. A 19-year-old South Korean boy tried to open the hatch aboard an overnight flight between Cebu, Philippines, and the South Korean capital Seoul, but was lassoed by the crew just in time – a scene I should have remembered Western film From Sergio Leone – and then fixed with cable ties.

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Panic on the flight, a 19-year-old was blocked

The news was reported by CNN and made the rounds in the international media. The young man said he felt a strong “pressure” on his chest and behaved “strangely” for about an hour, which is why he was taken to the front row of the plane near the door where staff could monitor him. officials at South Korea’s Jeju Airlines said.

Suddenly, the boy ran to the emergency door and tried to open it, but was “immediately stopped by the crew, who used a rope, lasso and zip ties to keep him under control for the remainder of the flight,” it said. The sources added that none of the 180 passengers on board were injured in the accident, while the boy was handed over to police immediately after landing at Seoul’s Incheon Airport.

Photo from Instagram (@_xury_)

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