1687444611 Heartbroken dog refuses to leave where his owners left him

Heartbroken dog refuses to leave where his owners left him Woopets

Scarlet was left in a parking lot and waited a long time for its owners to return. The heartbroken dog waited in a vacuum for weeks before Suzette Hall came to her rescue.

Drawing : "A heartbroken dog refuses to leave the place his owners left him"© @logans_legacy29 / Instagram

Recently, residents of a Southern California neighborhood saw a neglected dog in a school parking lot. She never left the place hoping that her former masters would come back to pick her up.

weeks of solitude

“When neighbors tried to pick her up, she would run around and then come back to her favorite tree,” Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy, told The Dodo. She felt safe there. It was like his little house. »

Illustration of the article: A heartbroken dog refuses to leave the place her owners left her

@logans_legacy29 / Instagram

For days, then weeks, the dog would not move. She had many opportunities to leave the school parking lot, but never did.

What age group do you belong to?

Do you have one or more dogs in your household?

Do you have one or more cats in your household?

How often have you taken your dog/cat to the vet in the last 12 months?

What three brands come to mind when you think of food manufacturers or brands of dog or cat food products?

What names of dog/cat food manufacturers or food brands do you know?

What brand(s) do you buy for your dog or cat? (many possible answers)

What do you think are the 5 most important criteria for a food/brand for your dog/cat?

Do you know Virbac’s VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles?

How did you hear about the VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles? How did you find out what brand of food to feed your pet?

What is your overall rating of the VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles? What is your overall rating of the croquettes you give your pet?

(1 to 10, where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best score)

How do you rate these VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles after using them in terms of these different criteria? After use, how do you rate the croquettes you give your animal based on these different criteria?

(1 to 10, where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best score)

Respect the environment

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Respect for animal welfare

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

veterinary sign

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

French brand

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Croquettes that my pet likes

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Price-performance ratio

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

customer service

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

croquette quality

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Dry food recommended by the vet

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Suitable for my pet’s health

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Available in supermarkets or pet stores

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Online availability with home delivery

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Available at the vet clinic

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Available online with Click & Collect delivery at the veterinary clinic

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Availability on multiple networks (various outlets and online)

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Bag design (materials, practicality)

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

How did you get these VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles in 2022? How did you get the kibble to give your pet in 2022?

Please select a maximum of 3 options and AT LEAST 1

When you buy groceries from the vet, you have to…

Do you have a subscription for regular grocery delivery?

What are the 3 main criteria that will lead you to stay loyal to a product/food brand for your pet?

if you have any

Do you agree to receive information about the health of your animal from the Virbac partner?

Meanwhile, local residents have posted a video of the dog on social media in hopes of finding her owners. Unfortunately, “nobody said it was,” Suzette lamented. “It was so sad. »

The hour of salvation had come

That’s when the founder of Logan’s Legacy decided to step in and give this dog a new life. When she went to her bed, she found them near the trees. “She was so cute,” she recalled.

Illustration of the article: A heartbroken dog refuses to leave the place her owners left her

@logans_legacy29 / Instagram

Suzette wanted to bait him with a hot dog, but since she was being fed by the locals, she feared it wouldn’t be enough. “She wasn’t hungry, but she had never eaten a hot dog. So she came to me,” she said.

Illustration of the article: A heartbroken dog refuses to leave the place her owners left her

@logans_legacy29 / Instagram

The dog, named Scarlet, then boarded Suzette’s van and was taken to the Camino Pet Hospital for a series of tests. “She was very scared at first, but once she realized she was safe, she completely calmed down,” says Suzette.

Restored health and zest for life

Scarlet was healthy, placed in foster care and finding her zest for life. “She has two foster siblings and she loves to play with them. she is so happy It’s a little beast of love,” says his savior.

Also read: Video: This dog loves to accompany his sister to the bus and his great-grandmother to the mailbox

Illustration of the article: A heartbroken dog refuses to leave the place her owners left her

@logans_legacy29 / Instagram

Scarlet is still searching for her forever home. Because she gets along with everyone she meets, the volunteers are confident that she will have no problem being welcomed into a new family. “Her ideal home will be someone who will never leave her and love her for who she is. She’ll never have to live under a tree again,” Suzette concluded.

Photo by Maria Anki

From Maria Anki
web editor

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