Heatwave Heatwaves could last 40 years warns UN

Heatwave: Heatwaves could last 40 years, warns UN

The secretary of the World Meteorological Organization makes an alarming inventory.

This week several countries ofEurope face a terrible thing heat wave with something temperatures exceed 40°C. Phenomena that, according to the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, “will occur more frequently in the coming decades”. “The negative trend of climate will continue until at least 2060, regardless of our success in mitigating climate change‘ said the organization’s secretary-general, Petteri Taalas, in an intervention on Tuesday.

Also read:
Heat wave: More than 500 deaths are attributed to the extreme heat in Spain

“Too late to save the glaciers”

Likewise, Taalas felt it “might be too late to hope to save them glacier‘ because they can be expected to continue melting for hundreds or thousands of years.

That France is not the only country suffering the effects heat wave. L’Spain Passed the 500 death mark due to intense heat and many Fire affect the country, as in Italy. For its part, theEngland exceeded 40 degrees for the first time since records began.