1656668140 Heinrich Kissinger quotThree scenarios for Ukrainequot Europe wiped out

Heinrich Kissinger, "Three scenarios for Ukraine": Europe wiped out?

Heinrich Kissinger quotThree scenarios for Ukrainequot Europe wiped out

According to the former US Secretary of State, there are three Heinrich Kissingerthe possible outcomes of war in Ukraine. As he explained in an interview with the British weekly The Spectator, the first possibility is that the Russia “conquer 20% of Ukraine “, or most Donbass e’ a strip of land along the Black Sea“It would be, he added,” a victory “for Moscow, while” the role of Born it would not be as crucial as previously thought.”

A second possible outcome is “trying to expel Russia from the territories acquired before that war, including the Crimea“But in this case a prolongation of the war against Russia. The third way out is to return to the “status ante” at the start of the invasion. This case envisages the rearmament of Ukraine, which is “closely linked to NATO if not part of the alliance” and would represent “a significant outcome for the allies” once accession has been strengthened Sweden and Finland.

Kissinger’s argument also sheds light on what led to the historical turning point strategic concept, the NATO report, which for the first time included Russia and China among the enemies of world security. “Russia is a direct threat and China a systemic challenge,” the American President summed up the picture aptly Joe Biden, in fact the mastermind behind the tightening of NATO on Moscow and Beijing. A stiffening that currently seems irreversible in view of the sharp statements from the Kremlin: “We are moving towards such a thing new iron curtain in Europe – he predicted Sergey Lavrovthe most powerful Russian foreign minister – has already begun”.