Heinz fires Cariucha and deletes campaigns after actions in A

Heinz fires Cariúcha and deletes campaigns after actions in A Fazenda 15 Portal iG

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Cariúcha’s stance in A Fazenda was also not approved by the company


Cariúcha is limited to A Fazenda 15, but is already losing contracts with brands for which she worked as a poster girl before participating in the reality show. The person’s homophobic comments and aggressive attitudes did not receive much response outside of the show, and the Heinz brand has just terminated the person’s contract. She even deleted all publications on her social networks in which the funk singer appeared.

Later that year, Cariúcha signed a partnership with the food brand. At that time, the company launched the limited edition Meme No Rótulo, whose packaging featured eyecatching sayings from various artists.

Among them, Cariúcha was honored with the slogan “I am all natural, beautiful as hell,” a meme that made her famous. “I thought it was adorable to see a phrase of mine that became so famous printed on ketchup and also with my favorite meme of the moment! I was surprised and very happy,” she said at the time.

However, due to the impact on her speeches and attitudes in A Fazenda 15, the brand removed all photos and videos in which Cariúcha was the figurehead.

The contract was for one year, but even before the artist joined the reality show, both talked about a possible extension. Nevertheless, column sources stated that this was no longer the company’s intention.

This happened because of Cariúcha’s behavior in detention, particularly the allegations of homophobia against Lucas Souza. As a result, these issues weighed on the assessment of the company’s marketing team, although they disagree with this stance and discourse.

*Text by Júlia Wasko
Júlia Wasko is a journalism student and passionate about news, entertainment and communication. Follow Júlia Wasko on Instagram: @juwasko

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