1705374159 Hello Hello in cooking mode 7 days a week

“Hello Hello” in cooking mode 7 days a week

A cooking section is added to the menu Hello Hello 7 days a week because viewers love everything food-related.

Previously, Salut Bonjour and its weekend version offered cooking segments every Monday, Friday and Saturday. Two Zeste Cuisine Moments events will now be presented Monday through Friday at 8:50 a.m. and daily at 10:15 a.m.

Ève-Marie Lortie and Gino Chouinard, the hosts of “Salut Bonjour Weekend” and “Salut Bonjour”.

The chefs who will take part in the “Les Moments Cuisine Zeste” segments at “Salut Bonjour” and “Salut Bonjour Weekend” are Jonathan Garnier, Hugo Saint-Jacques, Jean-François Plante, Katrine Paradis, Olivier Louissaint and Marie-Fleur St- rocks. MOSAIC WITH VAT

To this end, Salut Bonjour will work with collaborating chefs Jonathan Garnier, Jean-François Plante and Hugo Saint-Jacques, already known to fans of the show, in addition to employing the services of newcomers Olivier Louissaint, Katrine Paradis and Marie-Fleur St -Pierre.

The morning shows “Salut Bonjour” and “Salut Bonjour Weekend” air from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on TVA.