Here is the captivating new chapter in the career of Magalie Lépine-Blondeau – 7 Days

The actress Magalie Lépine-Blondeau, who inevitably has all the talents, pushes her passion for traveling to new horizons and takes on the role of speaker for the 16th edition of the exhibition World press photoand invites you to discover his own photographic universe inspired by his numerous travels around the globe.

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In fact, his personal photos are on display at the Marché Bonsecours in Montreal from now until October 15th.

Through her Instagram account, the one who would have found love again for this journalist wrote a great text to present this beautiful project:

“I am neither a journalist nor a photographer. But I have always loved the attentive and sensitive gaze that lingers to see, to understand, to grasp; Beauty, the transient, the other. My job allows me to exist partly through and in this eye, and when I happen to photograph the people who cross my path, I try to give them the tender and respectful look that I would like people to have. My respect. I see in each of these portraits a gift of trust, an exchange that cannot be put into words.

With the privilege that the traveler offers himself comes the privilege of seeing the world unfold before his eyes, but also change and slip away. It is a privilege for which some pay a high price. The impact of tourism on natural and cultural ecosystems can be both positive and dire. And if I owe to my travels and my encounters an openness and a better understanding of the world and myself, I am aware of the responsibility that rests on those who, by drinking in, can share in the inestimable beauty of this planet at the same time it is crumbling.

And when the photograph gives something eternal to these sometimes furtive or even stolen moments, what they bear witness to is no longer immune to fading or even disappearing.

That’s why I’m sharing with you, with all humility and unbridled emotion, what incredible happiness I was able to witness. Excerpts from my life, from my lives, from lives elsewhere.”

Check out some of the absolutely stunning pictures the star captured below Without appointmentwhose final season will soon be published on the Extra site.HERE :

• Also read: Magalie Lépine-Blondeau sheds light on the end of the Sans Rendez-vous series

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