1697033086 Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon Total offensive against Gaza quotWhat was

Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon. Total offensive against Gaza: "What was there will no longer be there | The live broadcast

On the fifth day of War against Hamas, Israel bombed the home of Mohammed Deif, head of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian organization. The militia commander’s relatives were killed in the attack on Khan Younis. “The top priority is to eliminate Hamas commanders,” Tel Aviv forces say. Israeli losses have now been reached 1,200, confirmed IDF Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. Shocked by the discovery of 200 bodies in a kibbutz attacked by terrorists: The soldiers who liberated Kfar Aza announced the discovery of the severed heads of newborn babies. New military aid to Israel from the United States, but President Joe Biden, committed to ensuring a humanitarian corridor, has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to limit the number of civilian casualties in the Gaza operation. Retaliation from Hezbollah on the border of Lebanon, from where anti-tank missiles were fired. The Israeli army has now stationed 300,000 soldiers around the Gaza Strip. Here are all the updates for today, Wednesday, October 11th.

Israel: “Let’s launch a ground offensive”

The Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has promised a significant military escalation in the next few hours in Gaza, a city that has remained without electricity since 2 p.m. today after the last power plant was shut down. As Portal reports, Gallant told Israeli troops gathering around the Gaza Strip that the attack would intensify. “We launched the offensive from the air, we will arrive later.” even from the ground. We have controlled the area since the second day and are on the offensive. It will only intensify. Hamas wanted change and will get it. “What was in Gaza will no longer be there,” the minister said.

French children kidnapped by Hamas

Among civilians kidnapped There are also gods of Hamas terrorists French children. This was said by French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, after which several minor compatriots were probably kidnapped by the organization, which has been holding hundreds of people hostage since the first day of the war.

Tel Aviv is attacked: rockets and alarm at the airport

There were no injuries in the latest bombing Tel Aviv carried out by Hamas from the Gaza Strip. This was reported by the Israeli rescue group Magen David Adom, citing the Times of Israel, which speaks of a “major rocket attack” also in the Judean Plain region. The anti-aircraft alarm recently went off in the capital, and it also went off at Ben-Gurion Airport for the second time within an hour. This morning, Israeli media reported that a residential building in Sderot was hit after a lull that lasted just a few hours. According to Israeli emergency services, there were no injuries in the attack. The IDF has calculated that around 5,000 rockets were fired from Gaza from Saturday to today.

Warning drones in a kibbutz

There is an air alert in the kibbutz of Nir Oz. The Times of Israel reports a possible drone infiltration into the small community in southern Israel, where heavy fighting with Hamas militants is already taking place.

Mea culpa from the army: “We did not prevent what happened”

For the first time since the start of the warIsraeli army He admitted that he underestimated the threat posed by Hamas. “As an army, we are all responsible for not preventing what happened. “We are all responsible, and I am responsible,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Omer Tishler, who promised an investigation into the invasion by Palestinian terrorists. “We are not targeting civilians: for every attack there is a specific target. Tishler continued.

Half IsraeliIsraeli military vehicle in the Gaza Strip.

Rockets from Lebanon

Exchange of fire between Israel and Lebanon in the south, where Israeli forces had warned that a bomb would be dropped Anti-tank missile against a military post on the border between the two states. The militiamen of Hezbollah They claimed responsibility for the attack, which was seen as retaliation for the deaths of three fighters the Israelis had eliminated in recent days. The IDF reported using a drone to bomb enemy positions. The northern front worries Israel because there have been increasing clashes with the Lebanese Party of God guerrillas, who have threatened to intervene in the event of an Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah writes that Israeli casualties are high. “The Islamic Resistance – we read in a statement published by the Lebanese media – will respond decisively to the Israeli attacks that affect our country and the security of our people, especially when these attacks produce martyrs.”

How many people have died

The Israeli death toll changes again. Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said there were now more than 100 dead 1,200 and the wounded treated in hospital amount to 2,700. As the spokesperson explained, these new updates are not linked to specific clashes. As the army liberates the areas where terrorists fought or committed massacres, it will be possible to obtain certain estimates even for places that were previously excluded from the calculation, such as the kibbutzim.

The Ministry of Health of Palestine Instead, 1,055 people were killed and another 5,184 injured in Gaza.

Agreement between Netanyahu and Gantz for an emergency government

The agreement between the Prime Minister was signed Benjamin Netanyahu And Benny GantzMember of the opposition, for the formation of a Emergency government. The news was reported by the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. The Likud party has only reached an agreement with Gantz: Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid, leader of the Yesh Atid party, has so far refused to join the executive branch. Lapid called on Netanyahu to remove ministers Ben Gvir and Smotrich from the government, who were considered too extremist.

The Tel Aviv Interior Ministry ordered this shift of “at least three months”. Local elections scheduled for October 31 across the country. That hasn’t happened since 1973.

Netanyahu GantzGantz and Netanyahu together in 2014.

The Pope: “Israel has the right to defend itself”

Pope Francis Recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself but warns of the risks of a “total siege” in Gaza. “It is the right of those who are attacked defend oneself, but I am very concerned about the total siege that Palestinians are living under in Gaza, where there have also been many innocent victims. “Terrorism and extremism do not contribute to resolving the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, but rather fuel hatred, violence and revenge and only make both suffer,” the pope said after a general audience. “I pray – he concludes – for those families who have witnessed how a day of celebration has turned into a day of mourning and I ask for the immediate release of the hostages.”

Washington stations the aircraft carrier Ford in the Mediterranean

There US aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford has arrived in the eastern Mediterranean, a move taken by the United States as a warning to other regional powers that could expand the ongoing conflict. “The arrival is a strong deterrent signal for any anti-Israel actor,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla of the US Central Command.

“I don’t understand why the US is stationing aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean,” reacts Russian President Vladimir Putin. “There is one, they are announcing a second one. I really don’t understand why they are doing this, are they going to bomb Lebanon or what? What are you going to do? Or did they simply decide to scare someone.” “There are people there who are no longer afraid of anything,” the Kremlin chief explained at an energy forum.

Bombs on Gaza, docks targeted

Intense night Bombings on Gaza. After the port attack, in the early hours of the morning, the Tel Aviv Air Force attacked the Khan Yunis and Gaza docks with missile boats and helicopters, naval targets used by Hamas to launch attacks on the Israeli coast. One was killed in the raids under water Palestinian who attempted to infiltrate Israeli territory. The army has stationed 300,000 troops on the border with Gaza and has announced the neutralization of around 300,000 people 450 enemy targets Property of Hamas and its allies and the destruction of an air detection system.