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Hiroshima Memorial Day Rendi Wagner and German: “Joint defense of a world free of nuclear weapons is needed more today than ever before”

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Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 77 years ago – the nuclear threat since the war of aggression against Ukraine is more present than it has been for decades

Vienna (OTS/SK) – 77 years ago, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, three days later in Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and many still fall ill today from the long-term effects of radiation. “The immeasurable suffering of the people caused at that time is still a reminder today: the suffering of Hiroshima and Nagasaki must never be repeated!”, say SPÖ party presidents, club president Dr.in Pamela Rendi-Wagner and federal manager of the SPÖ Christian Deutsch on the occasion of Hiroshima – Memorial Day on August 6th. “The anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima reminds us that any use of a nuclear weapon would result in a serious humanitarian catastrophe and have devastating effects on the environment, climate, health and economy around the world,” said Rendi-Wagner. Today, more than 12,000 nuclear warheads are still ready for immediate use around the world, with which much of the Earth can be destroyed. Deutsch emphasizes: “The nuclear threat has not diminished. Since Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, this danger is more present than it has been for decades.” Both SPÖ politicians emphasize: “Joint commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons is more needed today than ever before. The goal must be a world free of nuclear weapons and a world that is safe for all.” **** (closing) bj/ls

Questions and contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Phone: 01/53427-275