Hirsch Maximize your chances

Hirsch: Maximize your chances

Next Saturday, November 11th, the rifle hunting season begins and hunting enthusiasts are eagerly waiting to go hunting for deer.

• Also read: If you plant with a full face!

Almost one in three hunters manages to intercept one of the 50,000 forest spirits caught this year. To help others achieve their goals, today I present to you some tips and tricks that can make all the difference.


Many Nemrods pour synthetic urine from a dominant female or male onto a rag or piece of cloth and position it a few inches above the ground. You should know that these can quickly release unwanted odors due to moisture, dirt and repeated contact with plants. It is much smarter to use a sanitary buffer installed one meter above the ground. It is more resistant and releases the desired scents over time without changing.

A good tip for fooling deer while traveling is to attach a pad to each boot with the laces. Spray or pour a female scent on one of the two and the male scent on the other. This is a good approach to stimulate their curiosity.


When you do a grunt session, do two long grunts followed by one short one. This sequence, lasting about fifteen seconds, proved to be very productive. Accompany the whole thing with three rattling performances lasting 10 to 15 seconds, each mimicking the sound of colliding feathers during a confrontation. Take a 20 second break between each sequence and start again 30 to 45 minutes later.

Remember that the breeding season lasts about 24 hours. If a suitor is nearby, he will want to ward off other intruders so as not to miss an opportunity. On the other hand, it is estimated that less than 10% of bucks respond to a call and come within shooting range. Don’t lose confidence if you don’t get the results you expected.


One sign that doesn’t lie about the presence of deer is grazing. They cut the brush by pulling sideways or diagonally, causing it to fray. If you see a clear and open line instead, remember that these are hares that cut them the previous winter.

During the mating season, adult males eat very little. They often stay behind bait sites to watch for females that may be coming into heat. They are not far away and often take background paths to get there.

Deer scratch the ground with their hooves and then urinate on the leaves and soil they have disturbed. This serves them to demarcate their territory and identify with other conquerors. Reproduce these scratches by using a tree branch and pouring synthetic urine from a dominant male onto it.

The human field of vision is 200 degrees. That of a deer is 310. It can easily detect even the smallest movements at long distances. When you’re out and about, get into the habit of always having a piece of white fabric handy. So when one of your fellow cats spots you and stares, slowly move this tail imitation downward and side to side. This movement gives the impression that the atmosphere in your direction is calm. You can also combine a small deer call with a box-shaped call, called a deer box, to improve the scenario.

Signs that don’t lie

If you see on the soft earth, in the sand, but especially in the snow, a trace of hooves rubbing the ground before lying flat, tell yourself that it is a buck looking for strong sensations is. It moves with its nose close to the ground to sniff out the presence of a female in heat. In this stretched position it is difficult for him to lift his hooves sufficiently, giving the impression that he is pulling with his paw.

If you see a female walking or constantly moving with her head turned back, tell yourself that she may be being harassed by a male who is ready to take action. The latter has skyrocketing testosterone levels and is waiting until she is in heat. Be vigilant as it can occur at any time.

When there is a warm front and the thermostat rises above 15 degrees, deer seek shade near undergrowth and swampy locations. They then restrict their movements.

The right time

There are two philosophies for hunting near bait areas. Some will go morning and evening. For others, morning is the worst time as the deer have eaten for part of the night and are now returning to their roost. In addition, when you arrive, you risk scaring them and pushing them away, which will hasten their retreat into the forest. For some, the ideal time to go to a bait site is in the afternoon and wait patiently for them to arrive at the buffet you have prepared.

Another school of thought teaches us that if we walk through the forest before sunrise, we will see nothing and scare away all the animals. It’s best to reach your location at daybreak and proceed slowly, similar to fine hunting, so you don’t miss any opportunities.

Odor eliminators like Nok Out eliminate all unwanted smells. However, after two or three days in the same place, you run the risk of being spotted by deer.

To avoid such a scenario, you have a better chance of fooling them if you can change your guard post every 24 to 48 hours. However, change your location as soon as the wind blows against you.

Good Hunt!

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