His head is gone hes babbling I would pay for

“His head is gone, he’s babbling. I would pay for him to recognize me»

by Clarida Salvatori

After Doctor Tomaselli’s appeal, Lando’s son, the actor Massimiliano Buzzanca, speaks: «Father has lost his mind and talks in babble. It makes me angry to think that I’m being accused of conspiracy against him.”

After the Facebook post by Dr. Fulvio Tomaselli on the state of health of Lando Buzzanca, who was hospitalized for days at the Gemelli Polyclinic after falling from a wheelchair, speaks to Massimiliano, actor, 59 years old, son of the great film and theater actor.

Do you have the post of Dr. Seen Tomaselli, your father’s doctor?

‘I saw the post. About Tomaselli being my father’s doctor… I always accompanied my father to all visits, especially in recent years because I didn’t want him to drive. Tomaselli: never seen or heard of. And at home, there are no prescriptions or health care bills. I have decided to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office and the medical association because everyone has the right to privacy and some people are not able to talk and gossip about my father’s health on social media ».

Let’s try to rewind the tape, go back a year and understand how Lando Buzzanca ends up in an RSA (welfare residence)?

“He ends up in a rsa on the decision of the support administrator after falling at home after resigning first from the Santo Spirito hospital, where he was taken by ambulance, and then from Santa Lucia, where he was taken for rehabilitation . Unfortunately, on the same day, I was in a fairly serious car accident, resulting in a fracture of eight ribs and a pneumothorax. So I managed to see him again when he was already in the residence.”

Did you hear that your father was ill in the RSA?

«No, also because it was recommended to us by Carlo Delle Piane’s wife: he too had been hospitalized there. However, when I actually saw him again he seemed to have lost weight and I asked the facility staff but was told that this was normal for a man his age and with heart problems.

When did you start noticing your health deteriorating?

“It wasn’t like it used to be for years. When he was on Dancing with the Stars in 2016, many colleagues had called me to ask how he was doing because they felt he was “different”. And even then he went around with a piece of paper in his pocket that had his name, surname, home address and my cell phone number on it. But being the great actor that he was, he always managed to hide himself. Then, after the fall of 2021, things got worse: he lost his mind, he began to no longer recognize anyone, to speak like children.

However, the doctor, and not only he, claims that Lando Buzzanca is still in his right mind.

«Dad was diagnosed with severe dementia, a condition that started with aphasia. Dad’s still there, but his head’s gone. And I feel very guilty about that: I keep asking myself if I shouldn’t have noticed what’s happening to him sooner, if I couldn’t have done more. And the mere thought of being accused of hurting him makes me very angry… Also because he is such a powerful person and personality that you can’t believe there is a conspiracy behind it and that it goes unnoticed. If the RSA staff, the Gemelli doctors, had had even a single doubt about possible ill-treatment, moreover to the detriment of a public figure, they would have already reported us to the Carabinieri and we would have pointed guns at us ».

Have you had a chance to see him since he was admitted to Gemelli?

“Last seen 24 hours ago. When he arrived he was restless asleep and moaning. He had a hematoma on his forehead. Yesterday, on the other hand, he slept peacefully.”

What awaits him after the hospital stay?

“I think a way into a rehab facility. Then I hope he can go home where we have moved to stay with him and where we have already prepared his room to welcome him like a hospital room with monitors, oxygen and nurses to give him help.

Did you have a chance to understand what happened in RSA? How did his father fall?

“I could see how they work, how attentive they are, and I answered myself that a distraction can happen to anyone. Of course I wonder why my father. But if I sue the structure, I’m ruining a worker because he’ll almost certainly get fired, and what do I do with the money I get? A vacation? Dad taught me that those who work must always be protected».

If Lando could talk to her again…

“I would pay for him to recognize me and call me Massimiliano again. He never shortened my name, he always called me Massimiliano. what would he tell me Professionally, he would compliment me on my progress. Personally, he asked me: “If you see me without dignity, let me go”».

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November 26, 2022 (Change November 26, 2022 | 07:10)