His words change everything The threat from Moscow that makes

“His words change everything”. The threat from Moscow that makes Europe tremble

Before the External Council in Luxembourg, the High Representative for Foreign Policy Joseph Borrell said: “Wars are usually won or lost battle“after expressing fears that the war in Donbass could intensify in the next few days.

This phrase greatly angered the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov who, during an interview on TV channel Rossiya24, immediately replied: “The statements made by the head of EU foreign policy Josep Borrell on Ukraine significantly change the rules of the game”. He stressed: “If the head of diplomacy, a country or an organization says that a certain conflict can only be solved by military means, it means that he either accumulated something personal, or he made a mistake or spoke spontaneously. “.

Borrell had also announced that European Union countries would continue to supply arms to Kyiv. Another challenge for the Russian President’s war strategies.

“I have to say that what Borrell said in this aggressive and unprecedented context really changes the rules of the game significantly,” Lavrov continued, arguing that the foreign policy chief’s words were unusual.

As a result, relations between the European Union and Russia remain strained. The latter also reminds that Moscow will not stop its military operations. In the days before namely during the premiere negotiation A tenuous truce was in evidence between Russia and Ukraine, but everything has turned on its head in the past few hours.

The diplomatic chief in Moscow therefore added that there would be no more military breaks until a final agreement was reached.