quotHitler did not want to start World War IIquotAlessandro Orsini

"Hitler did not want to start World War II"Alessandro Orsini unleashes hell on social media

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In his opinion on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, few figures in Italian public opinion are as divisive as Professor Alessandro Orsini. His visions often create a polarization between those who support him and those who, on the other hand, accuse him of being a pro-Putinian. In the episode of Accordi e Disaccordi, broadcast on the evening of April 29 on November 11, directed by Luca Sommi, Orsini engaged in a dangerous parallel that sparked media furore: “Hitler had no intention of destroying the Making World War II broke out. People often have a distorted idea of ​​what actually happened. European countries formed military alliances, each containing an Article 5 of NATO. This stipulated that in the event of an attack from abroad, all members of the coalition would go to war. In fact, the alliance between Germany and Italy provided for support to come even in the event of aggression”.

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Sommi intervenes at this point and urges him to explain the comparison. What does WWII have to do with what is happening between Russia and Ukraine? Orsini does not send them to say: “Our guides are crazy and they are leading us into the abyss. After making it clear that Hitler did not want to start World War II and was forced by the alliances formed, the more European countries near the Russian border join NATO, the greater the likelihood and statistically the greater the chance of a nuclear catastrophe that World War III will break out”.

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“An enormous danger to humanity”. The concept that Orsini has been expressing in all sauces for some time is very clear. The accession of further border-near nations to Russia into the NATO military alliance could trigger an unprecedented catastrophe. Putin, isolated and cornered, would be unable to calm his anger and unleash all hell. However, if the parallel to those who exterminated millions of people is thorny, it’s hard to say that Hitler didn’t want to get involved in the conflict. But the resemblance remains effective in helping people understand what a man like Putin might do in an emergency.