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Holguín graduates with doctors from 13 countries (+ Audio) Radio Angulo Radio Ángulo

Sukeina Hamma Cori from the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) was one of 19 medical professionals from 13 nations who graduated from Holguin Medical University.

Graduates, Sukeina Hamma CoriRecently graduated doctor Sukeina Hamma Cori from the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Photo: Maria Carla Casaus

On that occasion he said: “It is very difficult for me to sum up what the experience of studying in Cuba meant because it was something unique.” We learned about life as health professionals and above all we grew as people to be able to give what the little ones have. Professionally I cannot be happier because I have had the pleasure of sharing with great teachers, I would say the best and I hope to be able to pass on this knowledge in the future.

“The plan was always to study medicine in Cuba in order to later put what I had learned into practice in our countries, where so many people need it. Bring the community medicine and basic supplies from here to use so we will already return the favor Cuba has done us.”

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The most recent graduates hail from the continents of Asia, Africa, America and Oceania and come from countries such as Suriname, Equatorial Guinea, Bhutan, the Solomon Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Camoras, Burundi, Rwanda, the Republic of Fiji, Vietnam, Barbado, SADR and Lessoto.

A special moment during the service was the presentation of a cultural lecture interpreted by graduates of the Republic of Fiji and the awarding of a special recognition to the graduates of these countries under the title “Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples” (ICAP); together with the initiative of recent graduates to recognize professors who have shaped their personal and professional formation, an expression of the high level of methodical and research-based preparation that is evident in the continuous formation of integral and humane professionals.

Graduates, Holguín, recognized professorsProfessors recognized by graduates. Photo: Maylin Betancourt

The rector of this educational institution, Dr. Galina Galcerán Chacón, one of the recognized professors, said in the central words of the law: “The challenges will continue and the values ​​​​that they have been able to integrate into their training will shape their behavior.” The profession of doctor requires great personal commitment, sacrifice, insomnia and perseverance. We will miss you and are sure you will carry Cuba in a small piece of your heart, which is why this center will always keep its doors open for you.”

On this occasion, the UCMHo recognized outstanding graduates comprehensively and by subject and six gold degrees were awarded. Among them dr. Nikhat Nilofa Begg from the Republic of Fiji as the top graduate teacher who attended seven academic conferences with an academic index of four points 92; She was a representative of the academic group from 2017 to 2019 and attended various Galas of the Nations, joined the Solidarity Movement with Palestine and Puerto Rico in 2022 and is the current President of the Fiji Delegation to Cuba, Representative on the Board of Nations and OCLAE Holguin.

The best graduate of his career was Dr. Robert Ishimwe from the Republic of Rwanda, who said: “We arrived in Cuba in 2016 after a painful goodbye, leaving family to study medicine.” We had to choose between the pain of being separated from our families and the pain of continuing to see children, pregnant women and the elderly without medical care. We started our journey at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) and looking back it feels crazy that we learned Spanish in six months without knowing a single word first.

“At the end of the second year we moved to the province of Holguín with the expectation of moving to a province closer to Havana and a few months later, due to the quality of education in this university and the good attention, they made us change our mentality and fulfill the desire to complete our studies in Holguín.”

With this degree, more than 2,550 specialists from around 65 nations are trained at this university. The act was dedicated to the memory of Fidel Castro Ruz, historical leader of the Cuban Revolution and promoter of the founding of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM); to the most universal of all Cubans, José Martí Pérez, on the 170th anniversary of his birth; and to the heroic guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara, an example of an internationalist doctor, on the 95th anniversary of his birth.

Beforehand, these students completed the five internships provided for in their study program and took their state exams in accredited general practitioner practices for teaching at the university polyclinics Mario Gutiérrez Ardaya, Alex Urquiola Marrero and Julio Grave de Peralta. So on July 21, the college dressed up to make clear its mission to educate professionals for Cuba and the world.

Holguin graduates with doctors from 13 countries Audio Radio Holguin graduates with doctors from 13 countries Audio RadioRecent posts by Maylín Betancourt Verdecia (see all)