Holiday chaos Despite numerous violations minimal penalties for Sunwing

Holiday chaos: Despite numerous violations, minimal penalties for Sunwing

Airline Sunwing is finally getting away with it after the monstrous disruptions caused over the holiday season.

• Also read – Traveler Complaints: Only $66,850 in fines for culpable carriers in nine months

• Also read – Holiday setbacks: a costly mess for Sunwing

The Canadian Transportation Agency (OTC) announced in a press release that it had imposed administrative penalties totaling $126,000 on the Toronto-based airline.

After an investigation, the CTA finds that Sunwing has violated Section 13 of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), better known as the Air Travelers Charter.

36 violations against Sunwing

According to Article 13 of this regulation, the airline must provide information to passengers in the event of a delay or cancellation.

However, according to the violation report filed by the CTA team, Sunwing “committed 32 violations by failing to notify affected passengers of the reason their flight was delayed.”


Sunwing was also allegedly blamed for four other violations “by not providing affected passengers with an update every thirty minutes if their flight was delayed without a new departure time being set or alternative arrangements made”.

WestJet Airlines too

Earlier this month, the CTA also fined WestJet Airlines, this time with a total fine of $112,800. Transportation Agency investigators found that WestJet failed to provide passengers with the compensation due to them within the 30-day period required by Section 19 of the APPR.

Since the APPR went into effect in 2019, the CTA has issued 81 warnings and issued 34 notices of violations, with APPR penalties totaling $509,580. Since January 2022, including these recent violations by Sunwing and WestJet, the CTA has issued 21 violation reports totaling $423,630 against 13 airlines.

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