Horoscope 2024 Simon and the Stars displaces Myrta Merlino quotFor

Horoscope 2024, Simon and the Stars displaces Myrta Merlino: "For Taurus…"what does it predict

L'Horoscope 2024 looks into the living room of Afternoon 5. Guest of Myrta Merlin In the episode from Friday, December 29th, there is Simon and the stars, one of the most listened to and popular astrologers. What will the New Year be like for the Signs of? Zodiac? “2024 is an important year for astrology because Pluto returns to Aquarius after 248 years,” explains Simone Morandi, which is his real name. Pluto “It is the planet of power, even on a personal levelAquarium It is the sign of rebellion,” explains the astrologer, who remembers: “The last time this happened was during the Industrial Revolution French Revolution and American independence: these three themes rebellion“Reinvention and emancipation for all characters is the theme of the year.”

In short, a 2024 full of changes and revolutions: what is to come will be a year “that pushes the boundaries,” says Simon and the Stars, which groups the signs into three “families” for the occasion. The first predictions concern Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn: “These are the signs in which the seasons begin, therefore they are the signs of initiative, ingenuity, the desire to make your own decisions,” explains the astrologer. “Since 2008, these signs have felt their hands tied in some cases because of Pluto.” In a way, he was in a dissonant position. Now they will “free themselves” from January 24th. Simon and the Stars then names a film of the year for these characters: “Billy Elliot, a masterpiece of the principle of rebellion and going your own way.”

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YES continue Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. “They are the signs that love fixed points and less change,” says the expert, who says that for five years these signs have been in a “continuous crossing of the Red Sea towards another life, but hindered in a thousand ways”. . The year 2024 is the last mile, the landing in the Promised Land.” In particular, “It's a golden year for Taurus“, a statement that makes you smile Merlin: “This year I made important, difficult and painful changes,” comments the presenter, seemingly alluding to the transition from A7 To Mediaset. The film? The Secret Dreams of Walter Mitty.

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They stay Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. “These are the signs of the end of the season, which in a way pave the way for what is to come,” explains Morandi. “So for them the transition is easy,” in fact, “they struggle to make rules and define themselves, to say: I am this and I am nothing else. These signs “come from 12 years in which everything was more chaotic than ever before,” and now is the opportunity to “bring order.” The movie of this upcoming 2024 is Back to the Future.