Horoscope Branko39s stars for Sunday January 7th all signs

Horoscope, Branko's stars for Sunday January 7th: all signs

“Branko's Stars”, the predictions of the astrologer most heard and loved by the Italian public. Here is the horoscope for all zodiac signs for Sunday, January 7th:


Creativity and inspiration. Professional qualities are stimulated by Mercury and Pluto, an aspect that awakens the entrepreneur, the trader, the inventor that hides within you. Break through boundaries, recognition and opportunities even outside of your usual surroundings. The moon becomes more prominent every hour until Thursday. Today he can bring great passion in the sensual heaven of Scorpio. The call for caution in sports still comes from Mars.


Combative as always, but careless, impulsive, nervous. In short, that attitude that your family members know well. Today it's the Moon, which is still in Scorpio, that's causing you controversy. Take a break and plan work for next week. Mars is on the side of women who are waiting for a passion… A stranger, beautiful and mysterious, comes towards you, he certainly speaks a Selenite language. Congratulations.


There are still some positive signs from the last quarter, for work and business contacts: sow seeds immediately. This phase bodes well for domestic affairs and heralds an early improvement in the problems that have been troubling you for some time. The Moon in Scorpio is fascinating and tries to replace Venus, which is nervous towards you. Who knows, maybe he will actually manage to create an exciting moment in love. Get rid of fears, always travel with caution. Break.


You are at a turning point; An embarrassment, a little insecurity with such a challenging astral image is understandable. Don't make drastic decisions. Enjoy this magnificent moon at the highest point in your sky, which can bring an exciting moment of love and a fascinating encounter for lonely people, but also has the virtue of reawakening marital passion. Good communication with in-laws too. How are your in-laws?


This moon does not love, it is a waning moon, without light, it leads to disorientation in the lives of all of us. In its paleness it is reminiscent of the snowdrop, the January flower, which symbolizes shy and cold love and friendship without enthusiasm. A short trip, a trip to the sea or to the mountains will make the hours of this Sunday pass quickly and remind you of the night of the previous Befana… who brought the Befana?


Scorpio Moon will become a witch for you – you won't miss anything. Mars implores you to end your vacation immediately if you're still in entertainment venues because the stakes are high and the competition is keeping an eye on you. Next week, Thursday the 11th, you'll be rewarded with winter's most prominent moon, the New Moon in Capricorn. Prepare a serious project. Love is still under pressure from Venus and Mercury, which puts family and children into question.


You are the sign of calm autumn sunsets, you can't like the cold winter climate, which voluntarily or involuntarily makes the people around you even more rigid in some way. Why not plan a Christmas trip to a warm country? Marrakech together with your love, sounds, scents of spices that intoxicate. Mercury claims that you have a lot of money. Mars grins and would like to let you fall onto a piece of ice.


This is no time to relax! It would be a real shame to waste the generous influences that the stars are sending your way. Everything new that comes, situations and people, brings you good and success. Parent-child relationships are intense, the entire family clan focuses on one very important issue. If it is a real estate project, it will be resolved happily, you can expect an unbeatable moon until Friday the 12th. Hot sex.


Sighs are the words of love…if an argument breaks out in the middle, it doesn't matter, the most important thing is to love each other. The tireless Venus in the sign, a butterfly that flies from flower to flower and is sure to stop at a magical plant. Saturn always causes some problems at home, Neptune asks for caution with food and medicine, but there is something new for you at work and also at home, something new will happen tomorrow. Reconsider past actions.


Rich Befana, get ready for next week and your new moon, you will have incredible chances to win. Even today the erotic moon kisses you in a seductive aspect with your Mars, new loves arise like snowdrops. Even crazy loves, immediate attractions, getting married, planning children – they are born under the protection of Jupiter, the planet of happiness. 2023 can be described as finally canceled. New life.


Some thoughts for brothers and sisters, other relatives, people who live far away. Luna is nervous again today, you're too worried. The sentimental sphere is not sensational, forget a love you imagined in 2019. Pluto, lord of you and all of us, will make its presence felt very soon starting next week. And you will find new opportunities. However, keep your distance today and only intervene when your direct action is necessary.


The love that is to come… under this beautiful moon in the area of ​​great encounters, lonely people can cultivate a hope, young spouses a very sweet dream. Venus won't be in Sagittarius forever after the new moon on the 11th, but will move into Capricorn and join her historic lover, Mars. Get ready with your chains, this love must be stopped. Excitement, external relationships shine in the family and in the work environment.