Todays horoscope March 20 2023 of all signs of the

Horoscope for today, January 1, 2024, for all zodiac signs

Inside Horoscope todayMonday, January 1stHe universe synchronizes with moon with the Sun so that you will have a strong expansion of wealth on the first day of 2024, depending on how these stars influence your sign.


Today the moon brings you a very special first day of the year by synchronizing its vibrations with the sun, a star that radiates happiness. You will feel this because you will wake up with very good energy, completely relaxed and ready to enjoy the pleasures.

You will feel emotionally, mentally and physically refreshed and will face 2024 with new strength and different perspectives. Your mind will expand as you seek new dreams and challenges. Additionally, you will be very lucky to find people who will help you achieve these goals.

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Weekly horoscope Aries, from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Aries 2024


The cosmos is giving you an excellent day to start 2024 so that you can recover from the difficult events of the previous year. As soon as you wake up you will feel this vibration and as the hours go by your thoughts will become calmer and lighter.

Generally you are serious and don't have that easy laugh; But today an energetic current will flow through your body that will ensure that you maintain your most beautiful smile. You will be more excited and can use this day to plan for the new year.

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Weekly horoscope Taurus from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Taurus 2024


Today the Universe decides to give you a beautiful day of relief and harmony through pleasant moments and the confirmation of projects, especially with the combination that will exist between the Sun and the Moon.

In your horoscope, these vibrations will manifest themselves through the arrival of good news related to partnerships with colleagues or business agreements with friends.

Remember that you will have more luck this year with the transit of Jupiter through your zodiac sign, which will open up new sources of income for you and no longer make you dependent only on your salary.

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Weekly horoscope Gemini from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Gemini 2024


The Moon and Sun will sync up today to create a day full of high and good vibrations for you. Also so that you are ready to enjoy the pleasant moments with your loved ones that life can offer you during this time.

You will feel very good emotionally when you notice all the love and unconditional support they give you. All of this will fill your heart so much that you will not only start the new year in the best mood and feel safe thanks to the protective measures, but also resolve not to see or hear anything negative.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Cancer, 1st-7th January 2024

Cancer annual horoscope 2024


Today everything will be very spontaneous and positive. The Universe unites the Moon and Sun to raise your vibration and that of everything around you so you can begin an outstanding year. It is a day when letting go and setting no limits to your thoughts and dreams will help you shape your 2024.

In addition, this helps you with organization and decision-making because you can very easily see what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. You will be very emotionally motivated and therefore your ability to speak and convey your joy will increase.

See also:

Weekly Horoscope Leo, 1st-7th January 2024

Leo annual horoscope 2024


The flow of positive energy that the universe is radiating today through the sun and moon will give you a very pleasant first day of the year. Joy and fun will fill the atmosphere in the conversations and conversations you have with whoever you meet while celebrating.

When you are more relaxed and calm, you will also devote yourself to greeting your friends, which will be a good time for sentimental or social communication. On the other hand, you will feel that your vibration is very high, so you can use it to perform the path opening ritual and that you can get by with only two ingredients.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Virgo from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Virgo 2024



Today is a day when the influences of the Sun and Moon allow you to feel happy and dedicate this first day of the year more to enjoying your intimate relationships; especially the sentimental one. With this influence in the horoscope, you will notice that positive energy and good luck will manifest in the environment.

Use it to give 2024 a positive boost and distribute favors and kindnesses, because the universe will return it to you later with protection and good news. On the other hand, you will feel that you are freeing yourself from obstacles.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Libra, 1st-7th January 2024

Annual horoscope Libra 2024

Scorpio horoscope

At the beginning of the year, you receive the positive vibrations of the Sun and Moon, beneficial stars that encourage you to emerge from the stagnation of the past year in 2023. You will feel this through your good mood, considering that everything will be fine and that it will be better than ever.

In this order of ideas, you will decide that nothing will bother you on this first day of the year and you will not talk about anything negative that may still be vibrating in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the above combination will bring you additional luck in your financial affairs, so get ready for the good news.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Scorpio, 1st – 7th January 2024

Scorpio annual horoscope 2024

Sagittarius horoscope

The moon meets the sun on its path, increasing your joy and making you feel stronger and eager to complete your 2024 projects. You will be in a good mood and leave the frustrations of the past year behind you.

This influence will also lead you to put an end to disagreements with others and do everything you can to improve your understanding. Your sociability will be increased and you will spend some of your time looking for and contacting old friends to wish them a good year.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Sagittarius from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2024


You begin the year with a special strength to overcome and recover from the difficult experiences of the past year. You can achieve this with the help of the sun and moon, which create a very special inner vibration to achieve well-being and attract happiness.

On the other hand, since you have managed to have a positive vision and your mind becomes calmer, you must remember that the decision you make today will have good consequences for you. In addition, with the above combination, you will always receive good news that will help you achieve your goals.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Capricorn, 1st-7th. January 2024

Annual horoscope Capricorn 2024


The beginning of this year is absolutely positive and if you still have problems from the previous year, the universe will help you get out of these complications and you will regain security and confidence in your future. This is due to the combination of the Sun and Moon, which makes you relax and take control of your life again.

Therefore, today you will feel a change in the vibration that surrounds you and you will be stronger because of it so that nothing affects you. In addition, I recommend that you perform this ritual with water and bay leaf so that all your wishes come true.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Aquarius, from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Aquarius 2024


On this first day of the year, the universe presents you with a special combination between the sun and the moon. This event, which has a positive vibration due to two benefic stars, will give you a lot of confidence and you will know how to pass it on to others.

You will be able to do anything you want these days, you will even make changes in your life without feeling any sense of loss or frustration. As I always recommend, when you resume your usual routine, make a symbolic and conscious act of what you want to implement to successfully achieve it.

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Weekly horoscope Pisces, 1st – 7th January 2024

Annual horoscope Pisces 2024

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.