Todays horoscope March 18 2023 all signs of the zodiac

Horoscope for today, January 6, 2024, for all zodiac signs

Inside Horoscope todaySaturday, January 6thHe Sun And Chiron They cross their energies so that through a sad or nostalgic memory you can discover that it is possible to transform negative thoughts into positive ones and thus find inner peace.


The Astro King has been activating the area of ​​your horoscope around your calling for days and will meet Chiron on his path at the same time.

With this movement he invites you to break away from ideas that only lead you to look for traditional careers. Above all, so that you can search within yourself for what really brings you joy and thus get out of these parameters and conventions.

This will give you the opportunity to focus on what you love doing most and dedicate yourself to the task of filling your heart with joy. Creativity and innovation are also integrated in order to be able to follow your calling.

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Weekly horoscope Aries, from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Aries 2024


Due to the change in mentality that is currently taking place in everyone, today, through the meeting between the Sun and Chiron, the cosmos will advise you to expand your ideas to a different type of knowledge, which is more spiritual.

This is done in order to understand the changes and thus adapt more appropriately to what is coming. If you are interested in crystal management, I recommend you use the Sunstone to remove sadness and anxiety from your life. In this way, through connection with the subtle world, you gain the ability to discover greater powers within yourself.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Taurus from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Taurus 2024


Chiron, associated with the emotional wounds you find difficult to forget, will hit the Sun today and may stir up some sad memories in your mind; especially those that you have had for a long time and that you cannot transform into something positive.

Due to the mentioned properties of the astral aspect, this resurgence of thoughts will give you the opportunity to conclude these stories positively and then forget them. Use this entire vibrational set to connect with your inner teacher and heal your mind.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Gemini from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Gemini 2024


The cosmic and planetary energies always show you ways to overcome negative memories and also the way to a better life.

This happens on this occasion through the synchronization of energies between the Sun and Chiron, the main scenario being influenced by your intimate relationships.

Remember that despite their criticism, it is these people who will give you help and support to overcome the complications that worry you. In addition, they show you that you are not alone, that you can come out of your introversion and experience unconditional affection.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Cancer, 1st-7th January 2024

Cancer annual horoscope 2024


The Astro King, associated with your temperament and thoughts, has been passing through the area of ​​your horoscope you oversee for several days.

With this influence, you will have noticed that after stress or a moment of tension and worry, your body somatizes those tensions that you have not yet been able to resolve through various symptoms.

As it will transit Chiron, an asteroid of healing, today it will give you the opportunity to purify those dense ideas to get out of your stress by putting alternative healing therapies and meditations into practice.

See also:

Weekly Horoscope Leo, 1st-7th January 2024

Leo annual horoscope 2024


The sun has been traveling through the area of ​​your love horoscope for days and today it crosses paths with Chiron. On the one hand, it will make you remember the moments when someone rejected your love. But on the other hand, it will tell you that it is not time to remain paralyzed in this feeling, but that you must heal it.

Through the above combination, you will understand that the best way to do this is to become a healer and help others with their negative emotions. You will see that by sharing your experiences you will heal others.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Virgo from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Virgo 2024


For days you have been devoting a lot of time to work and feel like you are ignoring personal matters. Additionally, it made you feel guilty for not spending more time with those you live with and have a special bond with.

However, on this day you have the opportunity to find the point of balance with the astral current that will form between the Sun and Chiron.

You will surely receive notifications of positive work news that will improve your quality of life. In any case, remember that you need to do your part and perform the ritual with coins to attract economic prosperity.


See also:

Weekly horoscope Libra, 1st-7th January 2024

Annual horoscope Libra 2024

Scorpio horoscope

Your sign is characterized by diving into the depths of the spirit, which today is activated even more strongly by the combination between the Sun and Chiron. Such influence will encourage you to see a little further than others can and will invite you to explore and deepen modern healing techniques.

In addition, it will make you want to be more compassionate and accompany those around you based on what you have experienced and achieved. This is why you will be looking for stone and crystal courses to help you cleanse the chakras.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Scorpio, 1st – 7th January 2024

Scorpio annual horoscope 2024

Sagittarius horoscope

For days, the Sun, a planet associated with your spirit and temperament, has been transiting the area of ​​your horoscope where you value yourself and increase your personal security.

Today you will meet Chiron on your path and because of this influence you will realize that it is time to get rid of your fears, open your heart and not be loved again.

By allowing yourself to be carried away by this energy, you will be able to believe in yourself more, discover that it is time to free yourself from these fears, accept yourself and love yourself so much , as you are, without restrictions. This way you will find new ways to value yourself.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Sagittarius from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2024


Today the Sun will cross Chiron, an asteroid associated with memories of sadness and rejection, bringing up family memories that have left pain in your heart, making you feel like even that pain is latent.

However, this is not a time to continue crying or remembering this wound, but rather it will be an opportunity to mend and reboot the family group's relationships.

Discuss what is hurting you with your loved ones and tell them why you suffered so that you can heal and forget together. When you don't have them near you, communicate in dreams and meditations.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Capricorn, 1st-7th. January 2024

Annual horoscope Capricorn 2024


For days the sun has been traveling through the area of ​​your horoscope that relates to your past lives. Because of this, you experience situations that you think you have already experienced, but did not understand the reason why.

As it transits Chiron today, the qualities you bring with you from past lives will awaken within you, such as the healing power you have through your hands.

You certainly recognized it, but you didn't dare to integrate it and make it concrete. Use this influence to further expand your powers and the magic that lives within you.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Aquarius, from January 1st to 7th, 2024

Annual horoscope Aquarius 2024


Today the Sun crosses path with Chiron, an asteroid that will help you heal your fears and also show you how to help heal the fears of others.

With this movement you will receive the call of a person who is very close to you and who is close to your heart to accompany him in his problems. Through counseling you will find that you are simultaneously healing yourself and calming your fears and nerves.

In this order of ideas, you will feel relief in this process, but you will also realize that the healing power you hold within you comes through words.

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Weekly horoscope Pisces, 1st – 7th January 2024

Annual horoscope Pisces 2024

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.