Todays horoscope March 21 2023 of all signs of the

Horoscope for today, October 3, 2023, for all zodiac signs

Inside Horoscope todayTuesday, October 3rd, mercury on the last day of his stay Virgo had a very positive meeting with Pluto to provide you with a day of research, deep analysis and positive guesswork.


Today the Universe will present you with a very favorable day for solving work problems. This is because Mercury in Virgo combines well with deep and intense Pluto, which will help you solve problems with great clarity.

Above all, it is about finding solutions to labor law problems related to harmful competition and rivalries. Additionally, this astral vibration allows you to think about looking into the future and planning projects that you can sustain in the long term as your mind is more open and deeper to expansion.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Aries, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Aries 2023


Mercury, a star associated with mental conjectures, will make positive contact with Pluto, the planet of psychological depths. This will give you a very positive and motivating day as you will be able to do good research and come to the right conclusions.

You will know this when you see that your conclusions are completely synchronized with the efficiency you have in completing the tasks for which you are responsible. You will act with confidence and have a positive attitude, which is very important for things to go even better.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Taurus, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Taurus 2023


Mercury will allow you to delve deeper into family issues and the connections between its members on the last day of its transit through Virgo. Since you have a good relationship with Pluto today, it will also affect your loyalty and emotional psychology.

You will feel very positive and relaxed ideas and feelings that will also allow you to have conversations with them that will overcome the old anger with your family group.

This way you can understand their points of view and support them. This flow of energy will give you satisfaction in how your life is currently and that you have managed to achieve harmony in your home.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Gemini, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Gemini 2023


Today, on the last day of its transit through Virgo, Mercury, together with Pluto transiting through Capricorn, will form a very powerful stream of energy that will activate your emotional and intuitive intelligence. If you are in an intimate relationship, the conversations will go deeper and all your feelings of love and resentment will be confessed.

Many topics that were not discussed before will come to the surface in such a way that nothing will remain hidden. This will be very positive because you will feel that the relationship is going better and you will have a weight lifted off your shoulders. Today every word spoken will be intense and deep, but it will not cause conflict.

See also:

Cancer weekly horoscope, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for October

Cancer annual horoscope 2023


Today, as Mercury continues to transit Virgo, it will meet Pluto. This combination in the horoscope creates a positive energy network that reaches you and activates your most intelligent and responsible side to pursue your financial goals. Not only does it give you strength and hope when making decisions, but it also benefits your personal progress.

On the other hand, if you need the help of influential people, be it in their position or social standing, it is time to ask for it as you can get it easily and with good attitude. It will be a crucial day to make decisions.

See also:

Weekly Horoscope Leo, 2nd – 8th October 2023

Leo monthly horoscope for October

Leo annual horoscope 2023


Mercury has been transiting direct through your sign for days and will connect with Pluto today to expand your horizons even further. Also to create an unusual day that makes you feel better at organizing and projecting new plans.

The above will help you when you need to assume and assume work responsibilities, as well as in organizing difficult-to-solve problems that require your investigative skills.

This is because the stars above form an energy network that gives you strong drive and willpower to achieve lasting results.

See also:

Virgo weekly horoscope, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Virgo 2023


Mercury, the planet associated with your spirit, has been activating the area related to the depth of being and mysticism in your horoscope for days.

Today it meets Pluto, a planet specialized in psychological depths, and they form an energetic current that will surround you, give you peace of mind and create a strong desire to assimilate and live life on a deeper level.


To do this, you meditate more, learn about other topics related to telepathy and in this way use the shamanic energy that nature offers you.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Libra, 2nd – 8th October 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Libra 2023

Scorpio horoscope

The universe gives you a special Tuesday with moments of good vibes. You will feel this from the moment you wake up, as you will perceive an energy in the environment that stimulates your thoughts so that they remain stable and optimistic.

All of this is because Mercury will connect with Pluto, an important planet for you as a ruler, and they will form an energy field that will allow you deep clarity in your thoughts to attract the situation you need today. Opportunities will arise that will lead you to the right people to make your long dream come true.

See also:

Scorpio weekly horoscope, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for October

Scorpio annual horoscope 2023

Sagittarius horoscope

Today, all matters concerning your public image and professional projects will be favored by the meeting between Mercury and Pluto. This influence leads you to a methodical and disciplined state of mind with the confidence that your tasks will produce successful results thanks to your persistence.

This entire combination of planets also offers you opportunities so that you can achieve what you have wanted for a long time. This could be a very successful job change, a promotion, a raise, or accepting a very important work project.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2023


Today the Universe will handle the encounter between Mercury, a planet associated with processes, and Pluto, associated with persistence, allowing you to have a positive Thursday and clear your entire head. You will notice this early on, because the energy network that the above planets will form will activate your businesses and projects abroad.

In addition, he is responsible for bringing people into your path who will help you deal with these problems. Therefore, anything you can initiate, decide or negotiate today will be easier for you to achieve; especially when it comes to import or export transactions.

See also:

Capricorn weekly horoscope, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for October

Annual horoscope Capricorn 2023


Today, Mercury will continue its journey through the sign of Virgo, connecting its energies with one of the most powerful planets in the zodiac, Pluto. This planetary movement will form a network of positive energy that surrounds you and helps you to be more practical and concrete.

It will also help you make and implement decisions with great certainty, a problem that sometimes costs you due to high rationality and low practicality. On the other hand, you can resolve a situation of mistrust, examine it now and thus emerge from certain fogs and personal insecurities.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Aquarius, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Monthly horoscope Aquarius for October

Annual horoscope Aquarius 2023


It will be a special Tuesday due to the combination of Mercury and Pluto. This influence will be very beneficial for you as it will give you psychological, mental and emotional balance. It will be a good opportunity to build new relationships, be it for love, friendship or business reasons, which will be serious and deep.

Everything around you becomes more harmonious and meaningful because the intellectual interest of these people is to share in a more natural and calm way. To enhance this good influence, perform this ritual with water and bay leaf to make all your wishes come true.

See also:

Weekly horoscope Pisces, October 2nd to 8th, 2023

Monthly horoscope Pisces for October

Annual horoscope Pisces 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.