Horoscope for today Sunday March 27 2022 Predictions for work

Horoscope for today, Sunday April 10th, 2022 | horoscopes

We present your horoscope for this Sunday so that you know what awaits you this Friday in love, work and happiness. In detail the predictions of the day in the Horoscope sign by sign.

Nowadays communication can be a complicated issue as there are difficulties characterized by Mercury being negatively influenced by Pluto wherein these professional projects can be hampered by certain bad connections and communication failures that can result and with it the developmental malaise or very negative issues in general with their surroundings, so you need to be careful and cautious about what you will or will not say during the day.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Mercury from Taurus will create a square with the energy of Pluto from Capricorn; This will greatly affect the characters country: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; it will therefore be necessary to develop alternatives to communicate, as this will be the main problem that these signs will have; in addition to improving all kinds of projects from scratch to be able to improve them efficiently.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)

With the energy of the astrological good fortune from the sign of Scorpio, all kinds of emotions and inner manifestations that the signs of water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; being able to express what they are feeling and even being able to transform certain negative emotions that are stuck in them and that they can easily work with today in a very effective and positive way.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)

Mercury in Taurus trine the energy of Mars in Aquarius; With this, all sorts of improvements in communication and actions that the characters of will generate will be manifested Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; It is an ideal aspect to be able to carry out projects or ideas very effectively and to be able to express so much of what these signs contain.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

The Moon in Leo creates opposition with the energy of Pluto in Capricorn; with which to generate problems related to the emotions that can be generated by certain changes and internal processes that will have signs of them Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Therefore, the energy these signs generate through these processes of inner dissolution of emotions and feelings will be very intense, requiring patience and resilience to manifest in your day today.