“Full Moon (in Solar Eclipse) in Taurus”
(from November 7th to 13th, 2022)
How are you? Here’s next week’s horoscope, lit by a full moon in Taurus, which is an authentic ninety-piece. As you well know by now, the full moon is like the climax of a movie, it’s that accentuated moment in which a series of situations that previously were moving more “latently” emerge with greater clarity. In this case we are talking about problems related to change and overcoming everything that prevents us from taking a step in a different direction than usual.
We’ll talk about it again because it’s a full moon that I’ll be dedicating further ad hoc insights to and which will also host the release of our book HOROSCOPE 2023 – THE TOUR OF THE YEAR IN 12 STAGES that (by sheer coincidence, but are there really coincidences?) will just come out Tuesday, November 8th under the rays of the full moon! If you already want to take a look at the New Year, you can find the book at THIS LINKbut also on all other digital stores or the bookstore you trust!
I just have to leave you to read the horoscope and thank you again for the love and attention you give week after week to our great project. This new book (like all previous ones) is dedicated to you, because without you none of this would exist! Ah, I forgot: if you lost the horoscope for the month of November, you can find it in the video version a THIS LINK!
A hug and happy reading to all!
With love,