1651173789 Horoscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8th

Horoscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8th

Horoscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8thHoroscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8th

New month, new stars! What awaits the twelve signs of the zodiac this May, beginning under the best omens for everyone? Let’s find out together the horoscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8th by Tua City Mag.

The sky of next week’s horoscope

That Can really brings a lot of news under the stars. That Sun continues to glow warm and enveloping in the sign of Taurusbut the chief messages of heaven concern two swift planets. mercury Come in in the sign of Gemini and it is in exaltation. It means that he feels completely comfortable in this zodiac sign that embodies dynamism and communication and this feeling so good will win over all signs that they will all become a little more active and faster. Likewise Venus He changes houses and starts on May 3rd in Aries, kindling the fire of conquest in all. Now let’s see sign by sign how the energies of next week’s horoscope will play out.


This May will be a beautiful month for you Aries! Your spring is going well, the stars are pushing you towards it Goals that you have been pursuing for some time, which, despite your determination, has so far seemed to have eluded you. Now you really have a chance to achieve your goals as long as you let not only your head but also your heart guide you. This will be the additional weapon that will make you intuitive and successful.


dear Taurus, Happy Birthday! The power that the sun unleashes will warm your days and your spirit. You are always very determined in your affairs, but for now you are invincible. If you’re convinced that if you’re obsessing about something, then you have to achieve something, rest assured that you can get where you want to go in the next few weeks without too much effort. What the stars want is for you to focus on what you want and want it with complete conviction. Everything else will take care of itself, because heaven wants to celebrate a birthday with you that will leave a mark on your life.


dear Twins, warm up your engines because the horoscope of the week from May 2nd to May 8th brings you lots of fuel, everything you need to win your race. This extraordinary fuel is called Mercury, your heavenly father, whom you know very much loves you and considers you his favorite children. The sign of dynamism, communication, business. All things that distinguish you and are particularly important to you. After the last ups and downs that were far too long, there is now your next star, which illuminates you with your own bright light. inexhaustible spirit of initiative. We’re all waiting to see what incredible feat or achievement all that valuable influence will materialize in.


dear Cancerthe horoscope of the first week of May will make you rediscover a power and a Believe in yourself and your means that you had forgotten for a while. The focus of the next few days will certainly be on work. You have been a little dissatisfied for a while, think you deserve more, but despite your will and effort, you cannot really stand out to be considered for a promotion, career advancement, winning a new client or project, that you aspire to. Well, don’t get discouraged and indeed stick with whatever you do and want because over the next few days the stars will want to reward your dedication and ambition if you manage to persevere, the news, on which you have been hoping to hear for some time will arrive soon.


dear Lion, on the day that patience was distributed, you were absent. A consideration that is even more relevant at this time. What increases your nervousness It is certain communication difficulties and misunderstandings that make you feel isolated, actually surrounded by a mass of colleagues, co-workers, supervisors who don’t work together and don’t give you the attention, appreciation and respect you deserve. If this is the situation at work, we cannot help but point out that the reason may also be that at this moment you would do well to give your private person, who you have been neglecting too much lately, a little more space and to give time. First of all love, but also friends, family of origin and in short all your deepest relationships that need your attention. It will also serve as a powerful boost to better address thorny business issues.


dear Virgothere are no particular clouds covering your sky and yet the horoscope for the week of May 2-8 finds you with the nerves at the edge of the skin, so we have to stop and ask ourselves, what’s going on? On what does this restlessness of yours depend on seemingly calm days? You can’t say you’re particularly tired or stressed because this spring you’ll find the right balance between commitments and free time. So maybe there is something deeper and more hidden that only you can see. What is certain is that with some distance you will find that there are no particular and real causes of concern and tension coming from the external environment and so you probably only need to dig within yourself.


dear balanceif in couple and at home there is a bit maretta, don’t petrify about them because they’re passing clouds that certainly need addressing, but the issues aren’t big enough to worry too much. The best thing you can do during this time is to take your time and also take deep breaths when you want to discuss and instead focus on the work where interesting perspectives arise. Roll up your sleeves and dedicate yourself to this part of your life, the rest can be done in a few days with a little patience.


dear Discoverthis spring is really here for you season of love. There is nothing that you will get the same satisfaction from and in which you will reap the same number of successes at this time in 2022. Irresistible, wise and passionate seducers, one look is enough to conquer anyone good enough to capture your interest. If you have a long-term love, these days you will have a beautiful rediscovery of emotion and complicity.


dear Protectthe horoscope for the week of May 2-8 sees you in a phase of great specification. You have really sown a lot in the last few weeks, you have been walking, you have been busy, you have invested time and energy and now you are reaping the fruits of hard and long work which now turns out to be a good job done. Here is your source of growth and, most importantly, of confirmation that your dedication has managed to produce the results you so painstakingly pursued. Now all you have to do is enjoy them.


dear Capricorn, this beautiful sun drives you to achieve your ambitions. But be careful, these days you could be incredible for once lose some clarity. You, who are the sign of practicality, of concreteness and of the eye always on the lens, could get confused due to a small unexpected event, which however can undermine many of your always granite certainties. And of course it’s also known that resilience and improvisation aren’t really areas where you feel comfortable. Perhaps just to help you develop those all-too-neglected skills, next week’s chart stars have fun putting you to the test. We’ll see if you pass the exam.


dear Aquarium, stop wasting time! This Sun in Taurus is not an enemy, it is a test to be overcome. To help you get over the hurdle this week come the new positions of Venus and Mercury that are beautiful to you. All of heaven invites you to regain the momentum with which you attacked the beginning of the year, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It’s time to stop procrastinating and focus 100% on your goals. And if you still have some weight preventing you from flying, find the right way to get rid of it.


dear Fish the sky of the horoscope of the week from May 2 to May 8 sees you a bit lazy. Could the good news of this time have convinced you that you can now rest on your laurels and live on an income? Hopefully that’s not the case, because then there would be no more mistakes for you. It’s okay to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but remember that a finish line is just another point from which you can continue your race to another goal.