Hospital cameras capture suspected ghost in Argentina Watch video World

Hospital cameras capture suspected ghost in Argentina; Watch video World

Supposedly surveillance cameras in the hospital caught a ghost in the early hours of last Saturday (11) at a hospital in the Cordoba region, Argentina. The recording went viral on social media on the weekend.

In the pictures it can be seen that the automatic door of the Finochiett Sanatoriumit opens, around 3am, and the Security seems to be talking to someone🇧🇷 The employee writes down the data and even gets a wheelchair for the visitor.

According to the professional’s report to the Clarín newspaper, he has received a lady who asked to go to room 915 to look for something she had forgotten when she was admitted to the hospital. However, when the security guard found that the elderly woman wasn’t coming back, he asked other employees to check if she was okay. However, it has been reported that the Woman never made it to the bottom that should work.

Upon reviewing the details passed to him by the former patient at the scene, the security guard found that it was a woman who was and was hospitalized in the same room passed away about three hours ago from what happened.

Questioned by the Argentine newspaper, the sanatorium authorities do not rule out any hypothesis.

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