Fear for Gianluca Gori, alias Drusilla Foer, who announced through a video published on social networks that he was hospitalized and was forced to postpone and cancel some shows. The actor's alter ego, the character Drusilla Foer, who co-hosted Amadeus on the third evening of the 2022 Sanremo Festival, reassured the group of followers and supporters.
In the video shared, some family members can be seen crowding around his hospital bed. Some remind her that she has now reached a certain age, some ask her to slow down again, some suggest that she should perhaps think about heirs and write a will. “But, but, what do you say? Birds of Evil Omen”: Drusilla uses the weapon of irony to convey the unpleasant news. “I have bilateral pneumonia and you have to admit it, but I am being treated. Go now!” he adds. The video comes with a message to fans: “See you soon.”