Host Reveals Her Mothers Death At Transplant Line Portal iG

Host Reveals Her Mother’s Death At Transplant Line Portal iG

Photo: Reproduction/Globo

The presenter shared more details about the loss of her mother


This Monday (28), presenter Valéria Almeida, who directs the Bem Estar segment, revealed a personal story during the Encontro broadcast. Commenting on Fausto Silva’s transplant last Sunday (27), the journalist said that her mother died at the age of 33 while waiting for a kidney transplant.

The presenter reiterated that she always shares her family experiences to promote organ donation in Brazil. As Valéria explained the factors that contributed to Fausto Silva receiving the new heart, she gave her personal testimony.

“I’ve said that a few times and I’m repeating it here because I always think it can touch you at home. My mother died at 33 when I was 10 and expecting a kidney,” he said.

“The kidney snake is the largest snake we have in our country. So when we agree to donate the organs of those we love, we save several lives. There are many people with a chance to survive, many families are affected.” . So I celebrate every life saved that I see that we are able to talk about here,” he concluded.

* Text by Julia Wasko
Júlia Wasko studies journalism and is fascinated by news, entertainment and communication. Follow Júlia Wasko on Instagram: @juwasko

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