Hotels should stop shaming guests who dont donate to charity

Hotels should stop shaming guests who don’t donate to charity during their stay – view from the wing

Hotels should stop shaming guests who don’t donate to charity during their stay

by Gary Leff on July 9, 2023

Extra charges and tips are everywhere when traveling, especially in hotels. And it’s not just about resort and destination fees, either.

You may be asked for a tip by the website you made your reservation on or by the hotel’s ownership group, in addition to a mandatory surcharge for property taxes disguised as environmental benefits. On top of that, hotel owners are asked to tip the maids because they refuse to pay a living wage (and these tips make the lower wages affordable and propagate the system).

However, some hotels also charge additional fees, but you can have them removed if you wish. London hotels often charge an “optional” 5% service charge that you can have removed, but few know they don’t have to pay it.

Meanwhile, other hotels will add a charitable donation to the cause of their choosing. Marriott is partnering with UNICEF in the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific on a program that allows hotels to add donations to guest lists on an opt-out basis. Generally, $1 is automatically added per night, but you can ask the front desk to remove the fee.

Getting rid of autopilot is the opposite of considered philanthropy, so I sympathized with a reader who complained that they felt embarrassed by hotels that do it and that UNICEF was anti-Israel.

If a program is voluntary, that’s fine, but creating an opt-out that leads to an embarrassing situation when you have to specifically ask for the donation to be removed sure is cumbersome. Your donation is of little use, but you are forced to signal that you are cheap and don’t care about others. This is bad business and bad charity. And aren’t the most beautiful gifts anonymous anyway? (Cf. Maimonides’ eight degrees of charity).

What do you want to achieve from your philanthropy? I think it helps to be clear about the goal of giving. Often people don’t donate because they want to do as much good as possible on the sidelines, but to do so

  • feel well
  • Tell yourself you’re fine
  • Receive recognition (from the charity or from peers)
  • signal your approval of the cause you are donating to

And in none of these endeavors does it make sense to make small donations through a third-party company, especially since you don’t know if the total amount raised will actually be donated exactly to the charity, or if the company will donate the same amount to the charity as it would itself, regardless whether or not $1 will be added to your bill.

With a focused approach, you can do a lot more for the world, and $1 at a time makes little difference to individuals. If you list your tax deductions, your donations (generally) to a qualifying charitable organization are deductible, and you can give more out of pocket for the same net amount.

Most of us see a concern, send some money, feel good about it – and call it done. But what if we actually want to believe that the organization we help makes a difference and that our gift is particularly important? Here are some ideas.

  • Focus your giving. Lots of little gifts won’t be that helpful. Also, the cost of re-recruitment by charities is high. When you give a small gift, all you’re really saying to most charities is, “Spend money so I keep giving.” Many charities will spend as much or more than you give them to get your renewal. This is overall profitable as the percentage of those who renew and upgrade their support is overall profitable. With larger gifts, the cost of re-advertising will be less devoured.
  • You should probably give more than you do. Choose a percentage of your income and stick to it. Tell other people about it and the specific cause you support as a mechanism for your engagement.
  • Giving away valuable assets is better than cash. If you valued stocks, include them instead. You get the tax deduction for the current value of the shares and avoid paying capital gains taxes on their appreciation. This applies to almost all assets that have increased in value. And that means you can better afford to give more.
  • Donate to a cause that interests you, and a charity that will continue to support you, because your lifetime donation is likely to do more good than a one-off donation. It’s not necessarily the $100 that makes a difference, it’s the $100 that multiplies over the years and if you might be thinking about leaving a portion of your estate (one of the ways that lower dollar advertising programs pay out to charities over time, frequent donors may then recall). the charity in her will).
  • Traditional measures of efficiency are misused. Don’t compare overheads directly unless most of the money is spent on overheads—many charities cheat them anyway (what a fundraiser is versus program costs is easy to calculate), and deficits aren’t always a sign of financial irresponsibility. Bonus points for posting your tax return on your website?

    Maybe… but these are all publicly available online anyway, e.g. B. at Guidestar. Deficits, transparency scores, and overhead percentages are used because they are easier than actually figuring out whether an organization is making a difference or not, and it’s difficult for small donors to invest enough to learn to do it themselves.

  • Choose unpopular causes as they are likely to be underinvested as opposed to following the crowd. Causes that everyone else donates are likely too much compared to other causes and relative to their marginal ability to make a difference.
  • Choose a person, not a reason. This is not a popular form of charity and will not get you a tax deduction. But if you’re a traveler and don’t have the cash to make a significant difference in running a charity, maybe you can accomplish something great – with someone you met along the way? For a mega-charity, a few hundred dollars might not matter (although they won’t admit it), but they could, or maybe they would, help your tour guide in Africa or South Asia fix the vehicle they use for a living help send her daughter to school?
  • If you are very wealthy, some of these thoughts don’t apply. For example, you don’t have to concentrate your donations to make a difference, you can make multiple large donations and take a more portfolio approach (hoping there are enough successes to outweigh the failures).

    Back at hotels, there’s no problem putting up QR codes and signs encouraging donations. If you’re really aggressive and want to do it on an opt-out basis, allow guests to remove the charges themselves through the chain’s mobile app. Taking money from people who let it because it’s a drip or who are too embarrassed to question it is a bad way to do charity.