Hotline Find out how Lindemberg Alves is doing 15 years

Hotline: Find out how Lindemberg Alves is doing, 15 years after the Eloá case

The Eloá Pimentel case was back in the spotlight after Linha Direta recalled the kidnapping and murder of the girl by Lindemberg Alves

05/05/2023 17:33, updated 05/05/2023 17:33

The Eloá Pimentel case was back in the spotlight after this Thursday’s Linha Direta (5/4) recalled the kidnapping and murder of the girl by Lindemberg Alves. He was sentenced to 39 years in prison for the death of Eloá and is now being held in Tremembé, São Paulo.

According to the G1 portal, Lindemberg maintains a routine of reading and working at the Tremembé penitentiary, known for hosting prisoners involved in serious cases, such as Alexandre Nardoni and Suzane von Ritchtofen.

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Lindemberg has been in prison since the time of the crime in 2008 and, in addition to training courses in the penal system, continues to work in the reading rooms. He also worked in workshops in Tremembé.

Lindemberg achieved the transition to a semiopen regime at the end of 2022. Now the prisoner defense team is trying the open regime.

Murder of Eloa

Eloá Pimentel was assassinated by Lindemberg in October 2008 in Santo André, São Paulo. The man broke into the apartment where the girl lived and held her, her friend Nayara Rodrigues and two other school friends hostage.

The young woman spent five days in a private prison while the other hostages were released. Eloá was shot twice and eventually died. Lindemberg was arrested redhanded.

Stay indoors!

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