1675204894 Houseplants to watch out for

Houseplants to watch out for

Many houseplants, including poinsettias, Christmas cactus, anthurium, and cyclamen, can be harmful to young children as well as kittens and pooches. A call for caution.

Posted at 12:00 p.m


Write down the names of your plants

The Québec Poison Control Center (CAQ) answered 834 calls last year about possible plant poisoning in children under 5 making their first discoveries. Fortunately, if most of the time the situation remains without serious consequences, the presence of poisonous plants in their immediate vicinity, in the garden or at home, should worry parents. For example, many houseplants contain calcium oxalates, which are responsible for the majority of cases reported to the center. These tiny crystals, which are also harmful to pets, penetrate the tongue and oral mucosa, causing severe pain.

Houseplants to watch out for


Dieffenbachia, a very common houseplant, is often the cause of calcium oxalate poisoning.

The Dieffenbachia, a very popular species, is often the culprit in houseplants, explains Guillaum Bélair, keeper at CAQ. “The sap causes severe pain in the mouth and can cause swelling of the tongue and throat, which can make it difficult to breathe,” he argues.

Other plants with other toxic effects, but sometimes much more serious, are also the source of nearly 300 calls. If the severity of the poisoning varies depending on the amount ingested, the problems range from skin irritation to intestinal problems to heart problems. For example, the hydrangea, which is particularly popular at Easter, contains cyanide-like compounds. For its part, the oleander, a pretty balcony plant, can prove deadly.

The famous poinsettia, while not considered dangerous, can cause significant stomach upset if the fruit is swallowed. Its juice is also irritating to some children and even animals.

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Although the sap of the poinsettia is not considered dangerous, like the sap of other milkweed, it can irritate the skin and cause stomach upset if swallowed.

“Obviously, parents should check the toxicity level of their plants, remember their names, and keep them out of the reach of children,” says Bélair. He also invites the public to consult the CAQ’s website to discover the list of garden or house plants that pose a threat.

Endangered Cats

The list of plants that are poisonous to pets is long, but fortunately cases of poisoning remain relatively rare, report the veterinarians who have been consulted.

Jean Gauvin, who has 40 years of experience in Lachine in addition to his participation in popular science radio programs, explains that many pets immediately reject the poisonous flowers or leaves from which they come. This is the case, inter alia, with plants whose sap contains calcium oxalates, in particular Dieffenbachia. But the plant that, in his opinion, causes the most problems is the lily, be it in a pot, in a bouquet or in the garden. His victim: the cat.

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Many garden and house plants are harmful to pets, but cases of poisoning are rare. In particular, keep your cat away from lilies, which can be fatal.

An opinion shared by Édouard Martin, clinician at the Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Montreal in Saint-Hyacinthe. dr Martin, who teaches emergency medicine at the faculty, explains that lily sap causes kidney failure in our pet cats, which can be fatal.

According to Catherine Fillion-Brochu of the Rive-Sud Veterinary Center in Brossard, cats nibble plants more often than dogs. The center’s emergency clinic treats four to five cases of lily poisoning annually. In such a situation, the animal needs urgent care from a veterinarian, since its life depends on it.

Of course, many other plant products can also be toxic to our pets. dr Gauvin says he’s seen cockatiels (cockatiels) die from calcium oxalate poisoning or after eating avocado, a deadly product for birds but also rabbits, he says. The rising trend of recent years: cannabis intoxication in one form or another, caused by consumer negligence.

Some Dangerous Species

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Croton sap is toxic to children and pets. Ingestion may cause skin irritation and vomiting.

Popular houseplants includedant calcium oxalates:

Alocasia, Anthurium, Colocasia, Pothos, Monstera, Caladium, Spatiphylum, Calla Lily Begonia, Philodendron, Dieffenbachia

Popular Poisonous Houseplants (For Kids & Pets)

Azalea, Cyclamen, Aloe, Sanseveria (mother-in-law), Croton, Euphorbia, Tradescantia, Ficus, Schefflera, Geranium, Christmas Cactus, etc.