How do we properly nourish our spirit by Bob Gass

How do we properly nourish our spirit? by Bob Gass – The Thought of the Day – The Thought of the Day – TopChrétien – TopChrétien

How do we properly nourish our spirit?

Search the Scriptures

Brothers, pay attention to everything that is good and praiseworthy.
Philippians 4:8.

The Apostle Paul writes this to teach us how to nourish our spirit well. It says: “All that is true, decent, just, pure, pleasant and honorable.” John Ortberg writes: “What is striking about this ordinance is the phrase ‘all that is.’ Thoughts are malleable, but one has great freedom to pursue enriching thoughts.”

Like a bee finding nectar in all kinds of flowers, we are now free and even admonished to nourish our minds with noble thoughts wherever possible. The Bible itself tells us to keep looking to feed our spirit.

We just have to think of something beautiful: a sunset, a good novel, the face of a loved one, a melody that makes us dance. And let our thoughts linger there for a moment. Then we obeyed the Bible and opened our minds to the flow of the Holy Spirit. The goal is not to make us good at rest, but to guide and sublimate our thoughts and feelings through the Holy Spirit to anchor them in truth and life.

When we look at what is praiseworthy or honorable, we experience what a psychologist calls “exaltation.” We feel lighter. Our senses are stimulated and we want to become a better version of ourselves. This is part of obedience to the Scriptures. It’s spiritual.

Listen to the voice of God

Do you sometimes find it difficult to focus your thoughts on what makes you feel good? Let God inspire you to be calm and confident.

Through prayer, you can simply ask your Heavenly Father for help. Here is a sample prayer: “Lord, I desire with all my heart that my thoughts agree with your thoughts, I want them to agree with your will. Please help me to discern wisely and use my will to reject what does not come from You. Amen.”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. Today you can thank Him because He is ready to help you grow in wisdom. (Read James 1:5 again) Bless him, for he does not condemn you, on the contrary, he is always at your side to encourage you!

Take action today

So how can you better nourish your mind? Give yourself the opportunity to think about beautiful things: by admiring nature or by choosing what you read or watch. Let the Holy Spirit guide you toward what feels good and make that a priority in your life.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you, Lord, for your creation, it is a great source of inspiration and joy for me. Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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