How gardening saved Alex Nevsky’s music

Alex Nevsky has rediscovered a passion for music that he had lost long before the release of his last album wild wayreconnecting with nature.

The artist has lived in Sutton for a year and a half and has learned to create a void in his head with both hands in the ground. Its district, which is in no way inferior to the trendy districts of the metropolis, is bordered by nature, the green mountains of Vermont and the mountains of Orford and Sutton.

“Since we moved here, I’ve been spending a lot of time outside in the woods or planting hundreds of flowers and vegetables, and that has really opened the space for creativity to return,” he informed the QMI agency.

After long days of cultivating his land, his latest work, Even the Impossible Flowers, was published last March under the pseudonym “de la beauté”.

He had accumulated “30 seconds to infinity” for months, years, never giving himself a chance to land and finish it. “There were also successes with pop songs…”, which did not favor the development of an instrumental project.

“I was a little too deep in my head, and I think even with a pop song, there’s a moment when there’s too much pressure to do it, and it just doesn’t add up,” he continued. It was therefore the letting go and meditation through gardening that allowed this album to see the light of day that he had dreamed of for twelve years, the songwriter added.

Alex didn’t want to deal with Nevsky

Emerging during the #metoo movement after a controversial publication, the singer, who has been in introspection for the past three years, never entertained the idea of ​​putting an end to the Alex Nevsky project.

“In the end, calling me Alex Nevsky or Alexandre Parent doesn’t change anything,” he said, noting that the creative soul has remained the same regardless of the name.

“For ‘Even the Impossible Blooms,’ I thought it was worth creating an identity because it’s not related to what I normally do.” These aren’t songs with lyrics. And to remove an identity, I found it even nicer that these pieces are simply at the service of beauty. They were created through the encounter with beauty and enable this encounter with beauty,” said the singer-songwriter.

“Alex Nevsky is still very much alive!” he added, noting that he’s found the spark of the early days, the pride and the appreciation of hearing his songs played in companies even today. “It really paid off to be in the moment,” he said.

The musician will return to the stage at the end of the summer with his project “Even the Impossible Flowers”. This new show, which he promises to be sweet and poetic, will add to his program two or three songs and new compositions, in addition to his instrumentals, which are currently not featured on any album.

He is accompanied by flute, French body, viola and cello.

Recently, the singer is also surprised to want to start writing pop again after a three-year hiatus from playing the guitar. “It’s coming back! It could be an Alex before “Beauty”. I don’t know, it remains to be seen,” he said.

Originally from Granby, Alex Nevsky will be on Monday’s ‘La belle tour’, this time filmed in Estrie.

The dates of his shows can be found here.