1660120453 How important it is to manage childrens boredom without giving

How important it is to manage children’s boredom without giving them a screen

Summer and vacation have been here for a few weeks, and the start of the school year still seems a long way off. It’s time to continue enjoying the beach or mountains, outdoor activities, family and friends. From the impromptu plans, from the late afternoon ice cream, from the water parks and from the excursions. But the fact that kids have so much free time means they also have hours to get bored and they don’t stop complaining at home because they don’t know what to do. Coping with this period of laziness is not always easy for families, and occasionally leaves parents making convenient choices that distance them from good educational practice.

Parents often see their children’s boredom as a personal failure. They are afraid that they are sad, that they are discouraged, or that they have little interest in doing things. They constantly try to distract them and therefore give them little opportunity to think and decide for themselves.

More information

Boredom is a very important emotion that is not usually allowed or cultivated. An essential sense of personality development that is closely related to the ability to wait, personal autonomy, the development of imagination and aptitude, and frustration tolerance. So experiencing it is very positive for the brain and emotions. An essential emotion to be able to connect with our interior, with emotions, concerns or desires.

Time to do nothing is pedagogically essential. Enduring boredom and not looking for the constant fun prepares children and young people for a more realistic future, teaching them that in life they have to do things they don’t want to do or that they have to adapt to situations you don’t have to choose. When a child is bored, they connect to their essence, which drives them to explore and create. Boredom stimulates the imagination, gives an opportunity to find solutions for yourself.

Children and adolescents who learn to deal with neglect tend to become more tolerant, patient, happier, and have better self-awareness and self-regulation. They are much more flexible and can organize their time better.

Constantly listening to what parents intend to do with them or having to balance work and care often leads to screen abuse at home. A simple and convenient alternative so that they can be entertained and not disturb us.

Screens and boredom, a simple solution to it?

So they connect them to the tablet, the video game console or they turn on the TV so that they are entertained and the adults get moments of rest. Or to avoid quarrels between brothers. They erroneously break the rules established for their use, allowing the mobile and digital devices to end up becoming the main haven to escape from boredom.

It’s normal that we can be more flexible about their usage these summer weeks, but adults still need to set the time and place where they can use it, in addition to controlling the content they consume.

The key is finding the right balance between usage time and the other activities they can do. There is no precise rule for calculating how long children can use technology as it depends on the age of the child and the needs of each family.

A girl interacts with her tablet on the couch. A girl interacts with her tablet on the couch. GETTY

It will be crucial that parents, as those responsible for their use, consider how, when and why children use technology at home. Used in a controlled, pedagogical and safe manner, it is not only fun for them, but becomes an important source of learning.

On the other hand, when there is abuse and content that is not age-appropriate, parents face a serious problem that can severely affect their children’s development and health. Parental control apps – there are many on the market – can help you use them properly.

what not to do

  • You must never use their use as a prize or as blackmail to get their attention. Good behavior should not be negotiated and therefore it is important that during these summer months the rules and boundaries set during the school year can be restated.
  • The times of day when the use of mobile phones, tablets or computers is not permitted must also be marked. For example, they will not use technology during family lunches and dinners.
  • In addition, it will be very important to offer them attractive alternatives so that they can make good use of their free time, because the more options or concerns they have, the less they reach for screens. They may be encouraged to engage in crafts involving paint or clay, discover new books, play board games, or whenever possible attend summer camps and engage in family sports or outdoor activities.
  • Parents should keep in mind that if the children get used to playing video game consoles for hours after the holidays or looking at their mobile devices during these weeks and they have to go back to everyday class life, it will be very difficult to adapt.
  • Bruce Lee said, “We all have time to use or lose and it’s our choice what we do with it.” But once it’s over, time doesn’t recover. So it’s important that we can teach children to make the most of their time without being tied to a screen.

    *Sonia López is a teacher, psychoeducator and educational facilitator. mother of two teenagers.

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