1699858834 How much did Jose Gaudet earn during the Grandes Gueules

How much did José Gaudet earn during the Grandes Gueules era? | Hollywoodpq.com – HollywoodPQ

“Can I talk about percentages?”

Jose Gaudet was on his old show, It’s a good end to the weekto talk about his very first one-man show, It was time!.

As part of his attendance, he had to play the electric chair game, where he receives a shock on a scale of 1 to 8 if he doesn’t answer the tricky questions correctly.

“Next category, personal finance. “Jean-Michel, tension?” asks the moderator Julie Belanger.

“Four,” the co-host replies Jean-Michel Anctil, Who will feel the shock if José answers honestly!

“(…) we know that you were paid very dearly back then Big mouths. How much do you earn at Rythme?” Julie (and the audience) want to know.

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“Can I speak in percentages?” offers the comedian evasively.

A proposal that Jean-Michel rejected, but that Julie ultimately accepted!

“Percentage at Rythme FM compared to Grandes Moules? The best years? 15%,” replies José, who doesn’t go into too much detail.

“I think we would have liked a number better… It seems that it is not right to say a percentage,” the presenter then changes her mind, but time is running out… So José received the shock, which was not very gentle seemed to be!

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We can therefore assume that it was very profitable at the time of the Grandes Moules, since we know to what extent current radio is profitable for our stars.

Did you see this funny moment with José?