How much salary should Fossati pay to the U to

How much salary should Fossati pay to the “U” to terminate his contract and join the Peruvian team?

How much salary should Fossati pay to the U to

This Wednesday, December 13, the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) officially announced the departure of Juan Reynoso from the Peruvian team after the poor start to the season Qualification 2026. After that was the former Universitario coach Jorge Fossati, will take over the management of Bicolor. Although there is still no official announcement from the highest levels of Peruvian football, it has been revealed that the Uruguayan coach has made every effort to replace “Cabezón”.

The experienced strategist is traveling in his native Uruguay, so this Wednesday, December 13, his legal representative, Pablo Bentacurt, traveled to the National Sports Village (Videna) to meet with the President of the FPF. Agustin Lozanoand advance the negotiations.

After confirming that everything will work out with the Federation, Jorge Fossati and his entourage must now also conclude a termination agreement with the Federation University of Sports.

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How much is the termination of Jorge Fossati's contract with Universitario?

Although the exact amount of the end of the connection between Fossati and the “U” is not known, the approximate amount that Jorge Fossati should be paid, according to Líbero journalist Gustavo Peralta, would be between two and three salaries.

“If (Jorge Fossati) leaves, he will have to pay two to three salaries and they will release him. If Universitario wants to remove him, they will have to pay the same. That’s what I understood, that’s what they told me,” said the communicator in the Champion PBO program.

It should be noted that the amount may be paid by the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), as it may be part of the agreement reached with the coach. Negotiations are continuing for now.

Universitario announced that Jorge Fossati is no longer the first team coach

Through a statement on its social networks, the elite team confirmed the end of the relationship with the Uruguayan coach by “mutual agreement”.