How NATO mechanics repair Ukrainian weapons and vehicles from far away from southern Poland

The military point 348 | Through tablets, secure communications, and other channels, technicians can provide “maintenance” details for Alliance-supplied “parts,” particularly guns that are subject to long-term wear and tear

The news, often confused and shrouded in the fog of war, signaled occupier preparations in several directions. Continuous pressure on Bakhmut (where the defenders would run into trouble), operations on the southern front to try to protect the railway supply lines supplying Melitopol, creation of new trenches/posts tens of kilometers long, diversions to avoid the Ukrainians attack, increased rate of artillery fire. Zelenskyy’s army is also trying to advance into the Kremmina region to cut off supply routes.

There are always two scenarios: the first involves attacking Russia in a short time using the mobilized and selected detachments; the second extends to the spring and concerns a possible initiative by Ukraine, bolstered by new equipment sent by donors. Some experts point out that not only tanks – which take some time to become operational anyway – but also armored fighting vehicles (like the German Marders and the American Stryker and Bradley) improve resilience. They guarantee better protection for infantry, increase the volume of fire and support heavy tanks in tactics where mobility is important.

Help from afar

Logistics is the most difficult node, as we pointed out in yesterday’s “Notebook”.

An article in the Associated Press reports how NATO has set up a group of technicians at a base in southern Poland who are remotely linked to their Ukrainian counterparts. Using tablets, secure communications, and other channels, the mechanics can provide details on the “maintenance” of the “parts” provided by the Alliance, especially long-life cannons.

The long calibers – the sources told the PA – are being used beyond all limits at a rate not foreseen in the tables. The team started out as a small patrol and has now grown as the western arsenal has increased. It includes members of the armed forces and contracted individuals.

The connections are not easy, the signal can be weak, nevertheless the system represents an emergency solution at a critical stage. In this way, Kyiv is trying to reduce the number of vehicles that have to be sent abroad for repairs, a transport that Lasts days and steals equipment. Questions also remain about the state of tanks promised by European countries: the Portuguese defense, after an initial review of its 37 Leopards, said only 10 are operational, a low number that would prevent a transfer to Ukraine on grounds of national security having been compromised .


NATO has not yet decided whether to supply fighters to Zelenskyy, the issue is currently being discussed.

Negotiations, said presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak, are “accelerating” as they advance over long-range (300 km) missiles, on which Joe Biden is holding back.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is making strides and modifying some of its runways to accommodate them. According to the War Zone website, western aircraft require more sophisticated support structures than those reserved for the Mig and Sukhoi, which are being supplied by the local air force, which has managed to stay “in flight” despite the invaders’ relative superiority.

It has dispersed its aircraft and taken countermeasures to evade Russian missile strikes, a tactic that has only partially stemmed significant casualties from enemy systems.

January 28, 2023 (change January 28, 2023 | 19:07)