How to avoid pump change scams at the gas station

How to avoid pump change scams at the gas station – Lifehacker

Last month, the police department in Lower Marion, Pennsylvania — located north of Philadelphia — warned residents of a new scam. But unlike online scams, this scam happens in real time and on site, more precisely at the gas station. Here you will find out what you should know about so-called “pump switching” and how you can avoid it.

What is “pump switching”?

In the early days of motoring—as in modern-day New Jersey—gas station employees called “attendants” pumped gas for customers. While some gas stations still offer full-service fueling, filling your own gas station is now the norm.

That’s why when someone approaches you at a gas station and offers to do it for you, it can be upsetting – especially because, according to Lower Marion police, suspects involved in a gas station switchover “are often very aggressive and “Strongly reject this.” Attempts by the victim to refuse help.”

Police reports indicate that the fraud typically occurs in two ways:

1. A customer pays at the gas pump with his credit card. The scammer offers – or aggressively insists – to pump his gas for him or reconnect the pump to the pump when he’s finished. Instead of putting the nozzle back in, they use it to fill their own vehicle with gasoline at the other person’s expense.

2. It starts the same way as the first scenario, except the scammer doesn’t replace the fuel nozzle after filling up his own vehicle. Instead, they keep it active, offering to pump gas for other customers and requiring them to pay for their fuel in cash. The scammer pockets the money and the original customer pays everything.

How to avoid pump replacement scams

It’s unclear how common pump replacement scams actually are outside of Pennsylvania, but it can’t hurt to have them on your radar. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to avoid the scam.

First, don’t let random strangers pump your gas unless you intentionally go to a full gas station or fill up in New Jersey. Always insert the nozzle back into the pump yourself to complete the transaction and wait until the screen asks if you want a receipt.

Police recommend actually getting a receipt as confirmation that the transaction is complete. However, if you know you won’t, at least wait until the screen returns to the welcome message with instructions for new customers.

In the event that you or someone you know experiences this type of fraud at the gas pump, here’s what you can do, according to Det. Sergeant. Michael Keenan of the Lower Marion Police Department: “Drive away to a safe distance. Call 911 if you are near or near the gas station. Wait until someone is there and point out who stole your throttle or who you think is cheating on you.”