How to eat healthily and economically

How to eat healthily and economically

The cost of groceries has taken a hit from the cold lately. But if you change your habits a bit, you can still get by without hurting your wallet too much.

The rise in food prices leaves no one indifferent, and many are looking for ways to continue eating well without breaking the bank. To help you, here are some tips or habits to incorporate into your daily life.

1. Good planning

In Canada, an average family would waste the equivalent of $1,100[1] in food per year. In our province, that number would rise to $1,300! To get value for money, the key is organization! Try to plan out your meals for the week, or at least for a good portion of it.

2. A thoughtful grocery store

If possible, plan based on your flyer. You can prepare your meals according to the foods offered and save more. In addition, many recipes can be applied flexibly to the meat. So, depending on the discounts, you can, for example, replace beef with pork or with a plant-based protein.

3. Stock up on your pantry

Also, if you are able, try buying the same non-perishable food items several times at a discount. This way you can create a small reserve. If it’s a vegetable or fruit, you can always cut it up ahead of time and freeze it in preparation for a recipe. Ditto for meat: favor family sizes.

4. Efficient cooking

Of course, to eat healthily and inexpensively, you need to cook. If this isn’t your favorite chore or you’re short on time, make at least a duplicate recipe and freeze half. This will give you a quick, economical and healthy meal when you don’t have the time or inclination to cook.

Also identify the foods that you can use for one or more recipes. For example: cook more rice with your fish dish tonight and stir the rest into a homemade chicken and vegetable soup the next day.

Last tip: never buy groceries when you are hungry! It will be easier to stick to your grocery list and not buy ready-to-eat meals or processed foods.

[1] A look at the planet Recyc-Québec