How to implement the voidable right to childcare promised by

How to implement the “voidable right to childcare” promised by Emmanuel Macron?

Five-Year Projects, Episode 4 – During the campaign, Emmanuel Macron announced that “no one should leave their job because they have decided to start a family” and that he will therefore introduce “an enforceable right to childcare.” A right that requires significant resources.

According to Emmanuel Macron, 20% of parents would not use childcare for their children under the age of 3According to Emmanuel Macron, 20% of parents would not seek childcare for their children under the age of 3 © AFP / Nicolas Guyonnet / Hans Lucas

Already promised and then given up by Nicolas Sarkozy, the then presidential candidate from 2007, the candidate Emmanuel Macron has in turn committed himself create “enforceable custody of children” during the 2022 campaign. It is a question of resuming the serious problem of receiving very young children. According to Emmanuel Macron himself, 20% of parents would not use childcare for their children under the age of three.

Welcome Offer or Compensation

“No one should quit their job because they have decided to start a family. And nobody should be held back in any way because there is no obvious solution to child care. We will introduce an enforceable right to childcare for all children under the age of three,” said Emmanuel Macron on March 30 in his “Message to Families” published on YouTube.

But concretely: If this law were to see the light of day, what would it change? Any parent would benefit from an offer of enrollment from their community, whether it be a place in a public or private daycare, with a childminder, or even a liaison with childminders.

Should this not be possible, the candidate Macron has promised compensation to the parents. The height is still unknown.

Parents would not be entitled to automatically receive a place in a crèche
Reading – Education What is the enforceable right to childcare that a report proposes to introduce?

More resources and more training

In addition to the creation of 200,000 additional admission places, this new law also implies an administrative reform. “Cities should now have a mandatory jurisdiction and associated funds that would be sent to them by the State in conjunction with the CAF to organize this early childhood public service,” explains academic Julien Damon, who co-signed the Government report advocating the creation of this enforceable child custody system.

Another important project: the training of professionals for children. There is a lack of childminders, whose services are coveted by parents with complicated, unconventional, random appointments. For Marie-Andrée Blanc, President of the National Union of Family Associations, “In the next ten years, 50% of childminders will retire and there will be no replacement.

Enforceable custody exists in other European countries. In Germany, it became possible to double the childcare rate for young children between 2006 and 2018. However, this has happened with an increase in public spending on collective childcare: +93% between 2005 and 2014, according to France Stratégie. Fulfilling this promise therefore comes at a high cost for Emmanuel Macron and no funding has been communicated at the moment.