1697948428 How to open Valencias natural parks to more initiatives without

How to open Valencia’s natural parks to more initiatives without weakening protection

How to open Valencias natural parks to more initiatives without

Change the concept of restrictive space. This is one of the objectives of the new Valencian government regarding the 22 regional natural parks. To this end, the Ministry of the Environment outlines, without giving many details, the impulse “not to miss opportunities to protect our natural environment with rational criteria and compatibility of use”, as department head Salomé Pradas said. on his first appearance.

Pradas spoke about the main principles of his government actions and first mentioned the natural parks in his idea of ​​“combining environmental protection and social and economic development”. In addition, a plan to review the regulatory standards of natural parks has been presented, putting conservationists on alert. This is all the more true since the government of Carlos Mazón (PP) has as a partner Vox, which has already spoken of “climate fanaticism” and the “perverse” 2030 Agenda, as emphasized by the far-right adviser to whom powers were given over agriculture.

However, the Director General of the Nature Conservation Agency, Raúl Mérida, has assured that the Law on Protected Natural Areas of 1994 will not be affected, that in no case will there be a reduction in protection and that it is also intended to review the plans, planning and use management.

“The department is open to all projects that are interesting and create wealth for the environment through their sustainability,” summarize sources from the Pradas department.

“Being known is the best way to make values ​​known,” said the consultant, who announced that one of the planned actions is a dissemination campaign for these spaces, the aim of which is “to promote nature tourism”. “We will not allow anything that is not allowed,” assures the general director of Medio Natural, who reiterates that it is only a matter of offering alternatives within the norm, “valuing the park and its peculiarities and treating them as part of ours Inheritance.” . Environmentalists see a danger: massification. There are parks that have access restrictions, but this is not a majority measure. In Ecologistes en Acció, Richard Barrena considers it necessary to carry out load studies in rooms to determine how many people can be accommodated. Likewise, Eva Tudela, from Acció Ecologista Agró, believes that the parks were open to anyone interested in getting to know them and that we must be careful about opening them to beach tourism, “which is often not the case”. the sensitivity of those who visit protected spaces.”

“It’s not about overcrowding,” says the head of the Ministry of Natural Environment.

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The consultant assured that the changes would be made by “all” stakeholders involved. Raúl Mérida maintains that a consensus will be sought and that the management boards of the parks, where conservation groups are usually represented, will be the venue for negotiations. However, they point out another problem, namely the fact that these bodies, which should meet every six months, can be convened up to two years late. They also assume that the government will present the initiatives as a fait accompli, as has been the case on other occasions.

No objection to the review

Neither conservation group opposes this review of use, which, as Eva Tudela points out, should have happened years ago. But they show their caution towards forms. In fact, the consultant in the Cortes has expressed its intention to promote these parking policies with the signing of the start of the elaboration of the regulatory plan for use and management of the Albufera de Valencia, as the previous step, according to the spokesperson of Acció Ecologista: The plan to Natural resource management for the same space, which establishes the basis for use, has not yet been approved.

The two conservation groups agree to improve the signage of some routes, something the Valencian government plans to do, and to restore old paths. Also in promoting and encouraging activities that are already permitted, such as diving in extensive marine protected areas. “The problem is that they hide the ‘brand’ of a natural park, so divers don’t think about the restrictions that exist, but you can dive in some extraordinary places,” says Richard Barrena. “Measures that have irreversible effects must be prevented,” he says.

The general director of Medio Natural insists that all measures are carried out “for sustainability and protection reasons”.

One of the new government’s ideas is to facilitate permits and streamline the activities that the current regulation allows. This is the case with sporting events, which are ultimately rejected due to the slowness of bureaucracy and permit processing. The new government is considering the implementation of the Declaration of Responsibility as a way to speed up approvals to carry out activities. It is what the environment calls “green employment” and it arises from all the economic initiatives that move in these spaces and, moreover, want to contribute to depopulation.

Certificates to highlight products from the environment

One of the concrete measures that the department headed by Salomé Pradas is planning is to issue a certificate for products manufactured within or near natural parks. According to the general director of Medio Natural, Raúl Mérida, this “forest certificate”, which also requires quality standards, will help highlight these products, which, moreover, have their origins in traditional activities. This is the case of cork in the Serra Espadà Natural Park, where there are artisans who produce cork from the forests in the area and in a sustainable way. “We have to take into account that there are parks that are the economic engine for many communities,” says Mérida. “It is another way to end the vision that the environment is synonymous with limitation,” he adds. Oil or honey are other products that could qualify for this certificate, as well as salt from Las Salinas de Torrevieja Park or wine in Hoces del Cabriel.
The department is examining the possibility of starting zero-pollution experiences in nature parks or outside of them. To do this, they must look for natural areas where there is no external intervention and be able to monitor the development of fauna and flora. These types of experiences, which according to Mérida are not developed in Spain, will allow the study of the environment together with universities. To explain it, let’s remember how, during the lockdown caused by the pandemic, many animals returned to areas that they had inhabited and left due to human intervention and the effects of pollution.