How to prevent your brain from melting during a heat

How to prevent your brain from melting during a heat wave

If you’ve been living in an air-conditioned cave all summer, it’s getting a little hot around the world. The UK broke a record for the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK at 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit, despite predictions the country would not see that figure before 2050. Things are getting so hot that the country’s steel railroads and roads are literally melting. Meanwhile, wildfires are spreading rapidly across France, Greece, Spain and Italy. The heat has even claimed more than 2,000 lives in Spain and Portugal.

As if that wasn’t enough, climate scientists are quick to point out that this will be pretty much the norm from now on. There’s a rather grim joke that’s often repeated in the scientific community about these rising temperatures: This is the coldest summer of the rest of your life. It’s dark, but it’s reality. This is the inevitable consequence of anthropogenic climate change. And unfortunately, despite our best efforts, it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better.

With all this happiness, it’s important to note that while there’s not much you can do to change the disastrous course we’re on, there’s something you can do for yourself. After all, the heat can be not only physically but also mentally demanding. Studies have shown that high temperatures have been linked to an increase in violent crime. One article even suggests that heat may have a direct impact on causing “destructive behavior.”

That’s not even coming into the upsurge of doomerism and climate anxiety that has been on the rise in recent years. To that end, there are four things you should consider to best deal with a heatwave. After all, the world might melt, but your brain doesn’t have to.

Remember: It’s not just you

In the face of heat waves, it helps to remember that you’re not the only one feeling this way. Everyone is affected by global warming to different degrees – some are much worse off than others.

However, as the bard wrote, “We’re all in this together.” That’s why it’s so important to talk to others about what you’re feeling and going through. It doesn’t have to be a therapist — although there are many who specifically focus on climate anxiety — but rather family or friends. Many people are probably like you, frustrated and powerless in the face of the rising temperatures to commemorate.

If you can’t think of anyone, there are plenty of communities to turn to, such as Climate Cafes, an organization dedicated to bringing people together to discuss “how you are feeling because of climate and ecological breakdown.” feel,” according to their website. You meet up with like-minded people in a bar or café, with whom you can openly share your feelings about the weather.

Focus on what you can control

In moments of incredible stress, it’s easy to get carried away by intrusive thoughts. After all, there’s a lot to think about between heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, collapsing infrastructure and the deaths caused by climate change.

That’s why it’s important to narrow our focus from day to day and only look at the things we can’t control – while forgetting the rest. There’s not much you can do about the heat wave yourself. And there’s probably nothing you can do to stop a wildfire from raging out of control, either. However, there are things you can do to change your situation – even if it’s small.

Things like making sure you’re drinking enough water, getting enough electrolytes, wearing sunscreen, not spending too much time outdoors, and finally installing air conditioning in your basement can give you a sense of agency and control when things are feeling chaotic . Take a small step today to get started.

Get some air first

Heat can severely affect your breathing. Not only can hot weather cause shortness of breath, but it can also cause air pollutants, pollen and ozone to rise and spread. This can be a nightmare for anyone suffering from allergies or asthma.

That’s why it’s important to find a nice, cool spot indoors and focus on your breathing. Deep breathing can help regulate your body temperature while calming you down — which is perfect for anyone experiencing an especially bad bout of climate anxiety.

Consider dipping your toes into the meditation if you haven’t already. Not only can it help you cool down physically, but practicing mindfulness can also benefit your mental and emotional well-being.

Prepare for the apocalypse

When all else fails, pull on your favorite leather pants and jacket and head out into the world in a muscle car à la Mad Max. After all, if you can’t beat the heat, you can take the heat to the wasteland too.

However, in all seriousness, it makes sense to consider where you live in response to heatwaves and climate disasters. This could mean making your house or apartment heat resistant by doing things like: Add central air or air conditioning, shade your windows with tint or curtains, re-insulate your home so it keeps cool air in and hot air out better, or even install a new cool roof that reflects more sunlight and keeps your home cool keeps cooler.

Alternatively, you may even consider moving to a cooler climate. Of course, this is a much more drastic option and depends entirely on your family, work, income and more – but it’s an option. And if it means better mental and emotional health for you, it could well be worth it.

Last but not least, it is important to accept that climate change is a reality. There are always small steps you can take to make things better for yourself. That way, you can lower your anxiety a little — even if the mercury is still rising.